Source Code for live demos via Bleeding Code tutorials
A collection of code examples from blog posts etc.
Contains general tools I have developed over the years
๐ Source code and documentation for the official docs website.
janl /
Forked from adonisjs/v5-docs๐ Source code and documentation for the official docs website.
Implementation of a bulletproof node.js API ๐ก๏ธ
TypeScript + Node.js Enterprise Patterns
Orchestrate and automate OCI containers running popular fullstacks, microservices, and Big Data workloads using Containerd, Docker, and Kubernetes.
A Node.js library for building zero-configuration microservices.
MVVM RECIPE ANDROID APP Is an app where I show how to use MVVM, retrofit, dagger hilt, coroutine, liveData, Kotlin, navigation component, and so on...
A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
A Retrofit 2 adapter for Kotlin coroutine's Deferred type.
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo
Legacy mobile Rocket.Chat client in Kotlin for Android
Make MaterialCalendarView can be nested scroll, and smooth switch to week or month mode.
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond