A super light weight Log Output library in Compose Multiplatform / Kotlin Multiplatform for iOS and Android.
You can see the log in Logcat(Android) and Console(Xcode).
- Verbose
- Debug
- Info
- Warning
- Error
Like Log
included in the Android standard library, You can see the log outputted by Mplogger
in your Logcat.
2024-11-24 10:28:51.912 4903-4903 Mplogger example org.kaitokitaya.credentialmanager V VERBOSE
2024-11-24 10:28:57.204 4903-4903 Mplogger example org.kaitokitaya.credentialmanager D DEBUG
2024-11-24 10:29:37.029 4903-4903 Mplogger example org.kaitokitaya.credentialmanager I INFO
2024-11-24 10:29:38.391 4903-4903 Mplogger example org.kaitokitaya.credentialmanager W WARNING
2024-11-24 10:29:39.264 4903-4903 Mplogger example org.kaitokitaya.credentialmanager E ERROR
2024-11-24 10:29:40.275 4903-4903 Mplogger example org.kaitokitaya.credentialmanager E WTF!
The log doesn't see the Android environment like Logcat. You should launch your application by Xcode. And you can see the log in your console in Xcode
2024-11-24 10:33:34 🔍[VERBOSE] VERBOSE
2024-11-24 10:33:35 💻DEBUG DEBUG
2024-11-24 10:33:36 ℹ️INFO INFO
2024-11-24 10:33:36 ⚠️WARNING WARNING
2024-11-24 10:33:36 ❌ERROR ERROR
2024-11-24 10:33:37 💣WTF WTF!
These kinds of tags are adhered by Android logging rule
The following code is a part of the UI implementation in Overview.
onClick = { MPLog.tag("Mplogger example").v("VERBOSE") },
colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(
backgroundColor = Color.Gray,
contentColor = Color.White
) {
The format of outputting logs are the below.
If you want to reuse the MPLog which has a same tag you can instantiate the MPlog.
val helloWorldLog = MPLog.tag("<TAG_NAME>")