Hermes Public
Forked from Xiaofei-it/HermesA smart, novel and easy-to-use framework for Android Inter-Process Communication (IPC). (简单易用的安卓进程间通信IPC框架)
Java Other UpdatedJul 15, 2016 -
JieCaoVideoPlayer Public
Forked from lipangit/JiaoZiVideoPlayerandroid videoplayer videoview fullscreen video player 安卓视频播放器 全屏 播放器列表全屏 仿今日头条UI
Java MIT License UpdatedMay 12, 2016 -
Meizhi Public
Forked from niuxdexiaobai/Meizhigank.io unofficial client, RxJava & Retrofit
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 4, 2015 -
retrofit Public
Forked from square/retrofitType-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 28, 2015 -
glide Public
Forked from bumptech/glideAn image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
Java Other UpdatedApr 14, 2015