Repositório criado para o FRONT-END do DDD 24.1 da Fluxo Consultoria do time HolanDDDês Voador. O projeto é um full stack que objetiva criar um SW e um aplicativo de hotelaria.
Collection of tutorials and examples for the Robot Operating System ROS 2
An example implementation of a ROS 2 to Rerun bridge
🚀 Elevate Your UI with Dynamic, Eye-Catching Counters
Apply ML to the skeletons from OpenPose; 9 actions; multiple people. (WARNING: I'm sorry that this is only good for course demo, not for real world applications !!! Those ary very difficult !!!)
Code and models of our arXiv paper "IPN Hand: A Video Dataset and Benchmark for Real-Time Continuous Hand Gesture Recognition"
gremio-eci / grade
Forked from cemarciano/Interactive-FlowchartFluxograma Interativo pra acompanhar o progresso ao longo da universidade:
A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.