A real-life example of a React project with focus on dataflow management. The example explores and compares methodologies by implementing the same app in different branches:
- Master branch - Basic Redux (thunks)
Walkthrough post: Redux Step by Step: A Simple and Robust Workflow for Real Life Apps
npm install
npm start
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- Implement the entire app and reach the same end result using your own methodology
- Recommended: write a blog post explaining your methodology
- Submit a pull request and we'll add it as an additional branch
On the first screen, it asks the user for 3 topics they’re interested in. We pull the list of topics from Reddit’s list of default front page subreddits. After the user makes a choice, it shows the list of posts from each of these 3 topics in a filterable list — all topics or just one of the 3. When the user clicks on a post in the list, the post content is shown.