Fork of SierraBreeze to provides KDE Plasma window decoration
looks like old Unity 7.
There are some dependencies you'll need to build from source. Some people suggested using the following commands:
sudo apt install build-essential libkf5config-dev libkdecorations2-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev extra-cmake-modules libkf5guiaddons-dev libkf5configwidgets-dev libkf5windowsystem-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev gettext
sudo pacman -S kdecoration qt5-declarative qt5-x11extras # Decoration
sudo pacman -S cmake extra-cmake-modules # Installation
sudo dnf install cmake extra-cmake-modules
sudo dnf install "cmake(Qt5Core)" "cmake(Qt5Gui)" "cmake(Qt5DBus)" "cmake(Qt5X11Extras)" "cmake(KF5GuiAddons)" "cmake(KF5WindowSystem)" "cmake(KF5I18n)" "cmake(KDecoration2)" "cmake(KF5CoreAddons)" "cmake(KF5ConfigWidgets)"
In order to install the theme and add it to your decorations do the following:
git clone
cd SierraBreeze
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
To avoid logging out, issue
kwin_x11 --replace &
That is it! Your new decoration theme should appear in Settings → Application Style → Window Decorations.
- Original project is SierraBreeze by ishovkun
- The authors of Breeze window decorations Martin Gräßlin and Hugo Pereira Da Costa
- Andrey Orst, the author of Breezemite Aurorae window decoration
- Chris Holland for his blog about patching Breeze decorations