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Take your task runner further

If you have a tasks.json file running isom or npx isom will run the task you pass in or the start task.


For every task you can define you can also have a pre post as well as a cleanup associated with it.

  • pre runs before the main command.
  • command runs if the pre command is successful
  • post runs if the command was successful
  • clean runs regardless of the success or failure of the other tasks


The tasks.json file

  "prebuild": ["npx eslint ./src", "npx jest", "rm -rf dist"],
  "build": "npx webpack --config ./src/webpack/prod.config.js --mode production",
  "postbuild": ["npm publish", "npx publisher", "node ./src/tasks/announce.js"],
  "cleanupbuild": "rm -rf dist"

Then from the command line you can either run npx isom build or if installed globally isom build

You can use it within your scripts so in your package.json

  "build": "isom build"

Parallel Tasks

In addition to single items, a task can be an array of items. If the array is a pretask they execute in a series, however if the array is the main task to run, the tasks run in parallel.


  "predev": [
    "docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up --detach",
    "node ./src/scripts/delay.js",
    "npx knex migrate:latest",
    "npx knex seed:run"
  "dev": [
    "nodemon ./src/server/index.js",
    "webpack-dev-server --config ./src/webpack/dev.config.js --mode development"

Then from command line

isom dev

Then the predev tasks run in order then then dev task executes both tasks at the same time.