In ./src/integration
is the setup to use jest-puppeteer
to create browser driven tests
describe('app', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await page.goto('http://localhost:8081/')
it('should display Make Things', async () => {
await expect(page).toMatch('Make Things')
In ./src/features
is the setup for using cucumber
tests to drive puppeteer for functional integration tests
Feature: Home Page
In order to use the site
As a user
I want to go to home page
Scenario: go to
Given I go to 'homepage'
When the page loads
Then the page should show 'Make Things'
const { After, AfterAll, Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber')
const scope = require('../support/scope')
const { goToPage, hasTitle } = require('../support/actions')
Given('I go to {string}', goToPage)
When('the page loads', function() {
return true
Then('the page should show {string}', function(string) {
return hasTitle(string)
After(async () => {
// Here we check if a scenario has instantiated a browser and a current page
if (scope.browser && scope.context.currentPage) {
// if it has, find all the cookies, and delete them
const cookies = await scope.context.currentPage.cookies()
if (cookies && cookies.length > 0) {
await scope.context.currentPage.deleteCookie(...cookies)
// close the web page down
await scope.context.currentPage.close()
// wipe the context's currentPage value
scope.context.currentPage = null
AfterAll(async () => {
// If there is a browser window open, then close it
if (scope.browser) await scope.browser.close()
// world.js
const { setWorldConstructor } = require('cucumber')
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
const expect = require('expect-puppeteer')
const scope = require('./scope') // empty object
const World = function() {
scope.driver = puppeteer = 'http://localhost:8084'
scope.context = {}
scope.expect = expect
// actions.js
const scope = require('./scope')
const pages = {} // object of pages
// Defines whether puppeteer runs Chrome in headless mode.
const headless = true
const slowMo = 5
const goToPage = async page => {
if (!scope.browser) {
scope.browser = await scope.driver.launch({ headless, slowMo })
scope.context.currentPage = await scope.browser.newPage()
scope.context.currentPage.setViewport({ width: 1280, height: 1024 })
const url = + pages.home
return scope.context.currentPage.goto(url, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle2',
const hasTitle = async text => {
const selector = 'h1.title'
const page = scope.context.currentPage
const title = await page.$eval(selector, el => el.innerHTML)
assert(title === text)
module.exports = {