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Starred repositories
Jyers / Marlin
Forked from MarlinFirmware/MarlinMarlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. | Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for yo…
Take a React Native component tree, and render it into an SVG.
wrumsby / mdx-deck
Forked from jxnblk/mdx-deck
auth0 / node-s3-client
Forked from andrewrk/node-s3-clienthigh level amazon s3 client for node.js
shreyawhiz / node-s3-client
Forked from andrewrk/node-s3-clienthigh level amazon s3 client for node.js
A webpack plugin that will extract critical CSS. Now supports Webpack v4.
badeball / cypress-cucumber-preprocessor
Forked from Klaveness-Digital/cypress-cucumber-preprocessorRun cucumber/gherkin-syntaxed specs with Cypress
Kevnz / stats.js
Forked from mrdoob/stats.jsJavaScript Performance Monitor
Kevnz / quorra
Forked from tanepiper/quorraHapi route handler that makes react-router your isomorphic server side router.
Kevnz / delayed-job-fork
Forked from thatguydan/delayed-jobNode.js implementation of delayed_job
This passport-strategy consumer showcases how to utilize a oauth2orize provider
matt-in-a-hat / clashjs
Forked from jladuval/clashjsJavascript AI battle game.
escomplex / escomplex
Forked from philbooth/escomplexSoftware complexity analysis of JavaScript-family abstract syntax trees.
the-simian / es6-plato
Forked from deedubs/es6-platoJavaScript source code visualization, static analysis, and complexity tool
Tapppi / async-exit-hook
Forked from sindresorhus/exit-hookRun some code when the process exits
ezdapps / backend
Forked from AplaProject/go-aplaA blockchain platform with a simplified programming language. 85% of all tokens will be distributed for free among GitHub users.
salzhrani / hapi-auth-jwt2
Forked from dwyl/hapi-auth-jwt2🔒 Secure Hapi.js authentication plugin using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in Headers, Query or Cookies
Kevnz / sequelize-mock
Forked from BlinkUX/sequelize-mockA simple mock interface specifically for testing code relying on Sequelize models
NetflixUI / restify-graphql
Forked from graphql/express-graphqlCreate a GraphQL HTTP server with Restify.
Kevnz / generator
Forked from expressjs/generatorExpress' application generator
jeromelebel / MongoHub-Mac
Forked from bububa/MongoHub-MacMac Native Mongodb Client
jeffrifwald / babel-istanbul
Forked from gotwarlost/istanbulYet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use…
tgriesser / graphql-js
Forked from graphql/graphql-jsA reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript
wiresjs / mongo-sql
Forked from goodybag/mongo-sqlAn extensible SQL generation library for JavaScript with a focus on introspectibility
akamai / boomerang
Forked from bluesmoon/boomerangEnd user oriented web performance testing and beaconing
Kevnz / minimongo
Forked from mWater/minimongoClient-side in-memory mongodb backed by localstorage with server sync over http
codewinds / jsconf-react
Forked from jeffbski/jsconf-reactJSConf 2015 React.js training workshop
Leveton / node-parse-api
Forked from tenorviol/node-parse-apiAPI for parse.com in node.js
Kevnz / ReactJS.NET-getting-started-tutorial
Forked from rickbeerendonk/ReactJS.NET-getting-started-tutorialReactJS.NET getting started tutorial code
Kevnz / react-trader
Forked from ccoenraets/react-traderSample application built with React and Socket.io