This is the starter code for the Introduction / Getting started with React.js training workshop at JSConf 2015
This boilerplate code has these features:
- React.js JSX example which fetches from REST source and renders
- simple build and auto rebuild (watch) using npm run scripts
- browser-sync for auto reloading in browser on change
- ES6/7 and JSX compiling to ES5 with babeljs
- eslint for linting
- browserify (w/babelify) for bundling javascript for the browser
- watchify to automatically rebuild on changes
- uglify for js minification
- less CSS style compiler
- autoprefixer for automatically adding css prefixes
- cleancss for css minification
- axios for promise based HTTP client
Note: Windows users - use instead
- package.json - dependencies and build commands
- public/index.html - main HTML
- public/fake-api.json - mock REST api returning json data
- src/browser.jsx - React.js JSX code which fetches REST data and renders into the main HTML
- src/util/polyfill.js - Import any core-js or other polyfills here
- assets/site.less - CSS styles used by site, edit or import into
- bs-config.js - browser-sync config, set browser to launch, middleware implementing a REST api used for the app
- dist/ - contains compiled and minified css and js
Change branches to iterate through implementing features for the solution.
git checkout stepX # iterate through solution
- master / step0
- initial starting boilerplate
- working autobuild react.js / babel dev environment
- step1
- fetch /pools
- display all questions
- shuffle-array
- display first shuffled poll w/choices
- step2
- Display poll as form
- Post { YOUR_ID: IDX } to
- that Returns poll result, display poll result
- Use PieChart from react-d3-components to display
- step3
- Use state to display first poll
- Use state to hold shuffled polls
- Add next survey button which shifts poll
- setState trigger update to show new poll
- step4 / final
- Add admin.html
- Add conditional logic location.pathname = '/admin.html'
- fetch /admin/polls, display all
- Add question form
- post { question: 'What', choices: [ 'Foo', 'Bar'] } to /polls
- My default browser for browser-sync is
Google Chrome
, if you want to use a different browser likeGoogle Chrome Canary
orMozilla Firefox
Requires node.js/iojs >= 0.10
npm install ## install dependent node modules
Primary use - auto build and reload browser
npm run watch # build and watch, auto recompile and load changes
# use control-c to exit the autobuild watch
Build only
npm run build # build only
Build for Production
npm run prod-build # sets NODE_ENV=production then builds
- contact me via twitter @jeffbski -
- Register for my membership list on to get notified about my upcoming React.js video training, podcast, and tutorials.