π Django BOOK: Practical recipes for building fast, robust, and secure web apps using Django 3 and Python
- Chapter 3: Forms and Views
- Chapter 4: Templates and JavaScript
- Chapter 5: Custom Template Filters and Tags
- Chapter 6: Model Administration
- Working with a virtual environment β
- Creating a project file structure β
- Handling project dependencies with pip β
- Configuring settings for development, testing, staging, and production environments β
- Defining relative paths in the settings β
- Handling sensitive settings β
- Including external dependencies in your project β
- Setting up STATIC_URL dynamically β
- Setting UTF-8 as the default encoding for the MySQL configuration β
- Creating the Git ignore file β
- Deleting Python-compiled files β
- Respecting the import order in Python files β
- Creating an app configuration β
- Defining overwritable app settings β
- Working with Docker containers for Django, Gunicorn, Nginx, and PostgreSQL β
- Using model mixins β
- Creating a model mixin with URL-related methods β
- Creating a model mixin to handle creation and modification dates β
- Creating a model mixin to take care of meta tags β
- Creating a model mixin to handle generic relations β
- Handling multilingual fields β
- Working with model translation tables β
- Avoiding circular dependencies β
- Adding database constraints β
- Using migrations β
- Changing a foreign key to the many-to-many field β
Chapter 3: Forms and Views Demo
- Creating an app with CRUDL functions β
- Saving the author of a model instance β
- Uploading images β
- Creating a form layout with custom templates β
- Creating a form layout with django-crispy-forms β
- Working with formsets β
- Filtering object lists β
- Managing paginated lists β
- Composing class-based views β
- Providing Open Graph and Twitter Card data β
- Providing schema.org vocabularies β
- Generating PDF documents β
- Implementing a multilingual search with Haystack and Whoosh β
- Implementing a multilingual search with Elasticsearch DSL β
Chapter 4: Templates and JavaScript Demo
- Arranging the base.html template β
- Using Django Sekizai β
- Exposing settings in JavaScript β
- Using HTML5 data attributes β
- Providing responsive images(env)$ python manage.py migrate ideas zero β
- Implementing a continuous scrolling β
- Opening object details in a modal dialog β
- Implementing the Like widget β
- Uploading images via Ajax β
Chapter 5: Custom Template Filters and Tags Demo
- Following conventions for your own template filters and tags β
- Creating a template filter to show how many days have passed since a post was published β
- Creating a template filter to extract the first media object β
- Creating a template filter to humanize URLs β
- Creating a template tag to include a template, if it exists β
- Creating a template tag to load a QuerySet in a template β
- Creating a template tag to parse content as a template β
- Creating template tags to modify request query parameters β
Chapter 6: Model Administration Demo
- Customizing columns on the change list page β
- Creating sortable inlines β
- Creating admin actions β
- Developing change list filters β
- Changing the app label of a third-party app β
- Creating a custom accounts app β
- Getting user Gravatars β
- Inserting a map into a change form β