- Project Title: AR Realty App
- Language: Python
- Frameworks: Django, Resful Framework
- Database: PostgreSQL
- File storage: Cloudinary
- Deployment: Heroku
As part of the AR Realty website, this is a front-end application that allows you to add and manage your realtor account's real estate properties. You can achieve this by using the Django admin panel or sending HTTP requests to the API endpoints for specific actions. This app utilizes Cloudinary to fast and efficiently store media files for listings, realtors, users, and all other media related to your website.
Please make sure to create your own .env file with all necessary credentials before you continue. 1 2
Create virtual environment: python -m venv ./venv
Activate virtual environment: source ./venv/bin/activate
Install all requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. Built by experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development. I highly encourage you to read more about Django.
Django REST framework
- Lets you create RESTful APIs: A way to transfer information between an interface and a database in a simple way. DRF, as much as Django, makes everything simple and easier. Learn more here.
- In the future I aim to implement
- Functionality for managing rental listings.
- Image optimization when uploading
- More security measures