Prevent Kubernetes misconfigurations from reaching production (again 😤 )! From code to cloud, Datree provides an E2E policy enforcement solution to run automatic checks for rule violations. See our…
A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
VIDOE – Video Streaming Website HTML Template Its a great business though. We all people love to share photos, videos, sounds in facebook, twitter, Youtube, Dailymotion or other media sharing sites…
Persepolis is a download manager written in Python.
Khsammy / autopwn
Forked from nccgroup/autopwnSpecify targets and run sets of tools against them
Khsammy / kali-anonsurf
Forked from Und3rf10w/kali-anonsurfA port of ParrotSec's stealth and anonsurf modules to Kali Linux
Khsammy / SecGen
Forked from SecGen/SecGenGenerate vulnerable virtual machines on the fly (current team development is taking place in the cliffe/SecGen fork)
Khsammy / wifiphisher
Forked from wifiphisher/wifiphisherThe Rogue Access Point Framework
Khsammy / PandorasBox
Forked from Adversis/PandorasBoxSecurity tool to quickly audit Public Box files and folders.
A Threat hunter's playbook to aid the development of techniques and hypothesis for hunting campaigns.
Khsammy / beef
Forked from beefproject/beefThe Browser Exploitation Framework Project
Khsammy / aircrack-ng
Forked from aircrack-ng/aircrack-ngWiFi security auditing tools suite
Khsammy / nmap
Forked from nmap/nmapNmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
Khsammy / JohnTheRipper
Forked from openwall/johnThis is the official repo for the Jumbo version of John the Ripper. The "bleeding-jumbo" branch (default) is based on 1.8.0-Jumbo-1 (but we are literally several thousands of commits ahead of it).