Please check the origin one for official
docker build -t zhangkin/voxblox_ros -f Dockerfile .
建议内地同学直接pull 不然catkin build里有很多3dparty 可能没法clone下来
docker pull zhangkin/voxblox_ros
Please put your bag file in the /home/kin/bags
or replace the path in your home,
here is my folder
kin@kin-ubuntu:~/bags$ tree -L 1
├── cow_eth_data
│ ├── data.bag
│ ├── voxblox_cow_extras
│ └──
docker run -it --net=host --gpus all --name voxblox_ros -v /home/kin/bags:/home/kin/bags zhangkin/voxblox_ros /bin/zsh
after the link folder, you can directly build and run the launch
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/voxblox && git pull origin master
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin build voxblox_ros && source devel/setup.zsh
roslaunch voxblox_ros cow_and_lady_dataset.launch
Save the mesh result and save location can be mofitied from the launch :
<param name="mesh_filename" value="/home/kin/bag/$(anon cow).ply" />
rosservice call /voxblox_node/save_map