Meteor package that provide developers a simple way to paginate collections.
Checkout my Live Demo
mrt add paginate
-Make sure to publish and subscribe your collection before usage.
////// CLIENT SIDE ///////////////
Creates collection
Coll = new Meteor.Collection("coll");
Subscribe collection at autorun
Meteor.autorun(function() { Meteor.subscribe("coll"); });
Create object paginate. //Paginate(COLLECTION, TEMPLATE NAME, {OPTIONS});
Default Settings in {OPTIONS}:
pathName: (your collection name in lowercase),
templateData: (your collection name in lowercase)
perPage is the number of item you want to show per page
pathName is the path from the url where will direct you
to your pageinate following by a number ex: ...pathName/1
templateData is the data use in your template in your handlebars ex: {{#each templateData}} ....{{/each}}
var P = new Paginate(Coll, "myTemplate");
var P1 = new Paginate(Coll1, "myTemplate", {perPage: 10, templateData:"sameTemplateData"});
var P2 = new Paginate(Coll2, "myTemplate", {perPage: 2, templateData:"sameTemplateData"});
Also you can use my embbedded template design to paginate previous or next pages by just adding the following in to your template
{{> paginate_pages}}
////// SERVER SIDE ///////////////
Publish collection
Meteor.publish("coll", function() { return Coll.find({}, {fields: {}}); });