- Execute Coder on menu hover and on keyboard, better error handling
- MySQL Error: various injections compatible with Order/Group By
- Loop detection when same result is fetched over and over (non-standard
- Reset strategy correctly when starting new injection
- Wider range of Character insertion including Multibyte injection to
evade escape quote by addslashes()
- Replace quote in ifnull() by ${TRAIL_HEX} for MySQL
- Fix #35352: EmptyStackException on setText()
- Fix #33930: ClassCastException on showConfirmDialog()
- Fix #4731: ClassCastException on paintTriangle()
- Fix #4081: SocketTimeoutException on get()
- Fix #2154: NoClassDefFoundError on read()
- Fix #2124: NullPointerException on addRequestProperty()
- Fix #1896: NullPointerException on showOpenDialog()
- Fix #1860: Multiple Exceptions on setRowCount()