A color scheme for Neovim inspired by Gruvbox and Darcula written in Lua
Note: This repository is forked from @dotsilas/darcubox-nvim
Hello, I've taken over the project created by @dotsilas to support its development and add integration to several plugins, themes and tools. I'm working on this project as a solo developer.
If you encounter problems or have ideas, please open an issue. Your input is valuable in improving the project. Thanks for your interest!
- TreeSitter
- LSP Diagnostics
- LSP Saga
- Git
- Git Signs
- Telescope
- WichKey
- Indent Blankline
- Dashboard
- BufferLine
- Lualine
- Delta (delta)
- Fish (fish)
- Fish Themes (fish_themes)
- Powershell (powershell)
- Sublime Text (sublime)
- Windows Terminal (windows_terminal)
- Discord (discord)
- Stylus (stylus)
Using Lazy.nvim:
config = function() vim.cmd("colorscheme darcubox") end
Using Packer.nvim:
use {
config = function() vim.cmd("colorscheme darcubox") end
vim.cmd[[colorscheme darcubox]]
The default configuration for darcubox is as follows:
options = {
transparent = false
styles = {
comments = {},
functions = {},
keywords = {},
types = {},
You can change the background to transparent and the styles of Comment
, Function
, Keyword
and Type
syntax groups as follows:
options = {
transparent = true
styles = {
comments = { italic = true }, -- italic
functions = { bold = true }, -- bold
keywords = { italic = true },
types = { italic = true, bold = true }, -- italics and bold
-- Set the configuration before loading the color scheme
vim.cmd[[colorscheme darcubox]]
local status, lualine = pcall(require, "lualine")
if (not status) then return end
lualine.setup {
options = {
theme = 'darcubox'