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This is a project to change the design of stable-diffusion-webui to a Blue Archive designed theme started by two fans, Kokohachi and Ftps, with the help of AI Creators Society.
Hasn't been released yet.
- Abydos (アビドス高等学校)
- Millenium (ミレニアムサイエンススクール)
- Gehenna (ゲヘナ学園)
- Trinity (トリニティ総合学園)
- SRT (SRT特殊学園)
- Valkyrie (ヴァルキューレ警察学校)
- Hyakkiyako (百鬼夜行連合学院)
- Red Winter (レッドウィンター連邦学園)
- Arius (アリウス分校)
- Federal Students Council (連邦生徒会)
- Shan hai jing (山海経高級中学校)
- Gematria (ゲマトリア)
- Arona & Plana (アロナ・プラナ)
- Sensei (先生)
- Sora (ソラ)
- Phrenapates (プレナパテス)
If you are interested in development, please join the Discord server here and join the thread "sd-webui-BlueArchive-theme" in the #技術トーク channel. We are waiting for you!