Provides ability to call methods using Timer Trigger or Queue Trigger (using azure queues)
- Download latest version from Nuget
Install-Package Lykke.JobTriggers
- Register dependencies (you can also override ILog and IPoisonQueueNotifier):
- Service collection example
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
// override ILog and IPosionQueueNotifier if you want
serviceCollection.AddTransient<ILog, LogImplementation>();
serviceCollection.AddTransient<IPoisionQueueNotifier, PoisionQueueNotifierImplementation>();
// register only time triggers
//register time and queue triggers
serviceCollection.AddTriggers(pool =>
// default connection must be initialized
// you can add additional connection strings and then specify it in QueueTriggerAttribute
pool.AddConnection("custom", additionalConnectionString);
If you won't register ILog and IPoisionQueueNotifier then default implementation will be used.
- Autofac example
var ioc = new ContainerBuilder();
// override ILog and IPosionQueueNotifier if you want
// register only time triggers
//register time and queue triggers
ioc.AddTriggers(pool =>
// default connection must be initialized
// you can additional connection strings and then specify it in QueueTriggerAttribute
pool.AddConnection("custom", additionalConnectionString);
- You should also register your classes, where Triggers are used.
- Use TimeTrigger or QueueTrigger
public class TestFunction
// queue name is required
// optional parameters:
// notify - when set to "true" message you will receive notification through IPoisionQueueNotifier when mesage will be sent to poison queue
// connection - specify connection name, that was registered before (by default "default" connection will be used)
// you can specify strongly typed model and queue message will be deserialized into this model
// or you can set in parameter as String, and will receive raw queue message
[QueueTrigger("test-queue", notify: true, connection: "custom")]
public async Task Process(CustomModel model)
// you can also specify second parameters:
// DateTimeOffset - queue message insertion time
public async Task Process(string rawModel, DateTimeOffset dt)
// QueueTriggeringContext - message context
public async Task Process(string rawModel, QueueTriggeringContext context)
// period in HH:mm:ss
public async Task Process()
- Start trigger host
var triggerHost = new TriggerHost(serviceProvider);
await triggerHost.Start();
- Stop trigger host (cancellation token is used)