Original Prusa i3 MK2.5 upgrade is a 3D printer project maintained by PRUSA RESEARCH. Originates in RepRap project.
This repository contains SCAD files and STLs of the printed parts related to MK2.5 upgrade. This branch contains only parts that are needed for upgrade and are different from MK3 version.
Parts might change until final version of upgrade is released.
List of printed parts needed for MK2.5 upgrade with versions :
- X-carriage-back.stl
- X-carriage.stl
- Cable-holder.stl
- Rambo-base.stl
- Rambo-doors.stl
- Rambo-hinges.stl
- Extruder-cable-clip.stl
- Heatbed-cable-clip.stl
- Heatbed-cable-cover.stl
MK3 repository
- Extruder-body.stl*
- Extruder-cover.stl*
- nozzle-fan-45deg-support.stl*
- nozzle-fan-45deg.stl**
- Extruder-idler.stl
- Filament-sensor-cover.stl
- Idler-plug.stl
( *included in the MMU2 upgrade package , **nozzle-fan-45deg is included in the official upgrade package )