This project is a real-time group chat application built using Django, Django Channels, and WebSockets. Users can create or join chat rooms and exchange messages instantly.
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd group-chat-django
pip install -r requirements.txt
daphne -b -p 8001 web_socket.asgi:application (if server is running on port 8001)
- Contains views for creating chat rooms and rendering the chat room page.
- Defines the WebSocket consumer that handles real-time communication between clients in a chat room.
- Contains the Room model representing a chat room.
- Maps the URLs to the corresponding views.
- Defines the routing for WebSocket connections.
- templates/: Contains HTML templates for the chat interface.
The real-time chat functionality is implemented using Django Channels and WebSockets. Below is an overview of how WebSocket communication is handled:
Connection: When a user connects to a chat room, a WebSocket connection is established, and the user is added to a group corresponding to that room.
- receive: When a message is received from a client, it is broadcasted to all clients in the same group (chat room).
- chat_message: This method handles sending the message to the WebSocket, which is then displayed to all connected users.
- Disconnection: When a user disconnects, they are removed from the group.
Running the Application Create or Join a Chat Room:
Go to the home page and enter a room name to create or join a chat room. Send Messages:
Once in a room, users can send messages in real-time that will be visible to all participants in the room.
Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue if you have any suggestions or find any bugs.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.