Link: Paper
In general, for any network, oblivious routing can be formulated as a robust multi-commodity flow problem with a concave objective in which the number of constraints grows factorially with the number of switches in the network resulting in the problem being intractable.
In this work, we exploit the topological network structure and graph automorphism to reduce the complexity of the robust optimization problem to the point that is tractable for any off-the-shelf solver running on commodity hardware.
The contributions of this work are threefold, which leads to a more general oblivious routing formulation supporting traditional linear objective functions and fairness-aware functions.
- We prove the existence of an automorphism-invariant optimal solution of an oblivious routing problem with a concave objective in every structured topology. This reduces the search space of optimal solutions.
- We design the iterative algorithm that targets the automorphism-invariant optimal solution using graph automorphism. The algorithm is tractable in comparison to solving the intractable oblivious routing formulation.
- We develop the polynomial-time construction of the algorithm and illustrate three applications of the algorithm.
We show highlight results of proposed iterative algorithm in terms of scalability, throughput performance.
This figure shows the sizes of the strawman optimization formulation (3) and our automorphism-invariant optimization formulation (8) in terms of numbers of variables and constraints at different sizes of FatClique, assuming only one traffic matrix is considered. It is easy to see that the latter formulation is much smaller than the former one.
Throughput performance
We evaluate the performance of our algorithm by the worse-case throughput. The result with different objective functions is compared to a heuristic algorithm in which tries to balance the imbalance by weighting flows regarding their bottleneck capacity.
This figure shows the worst-case throughput values under partially deployed FatTree. At 30 aggregation blocks, the throughput improvement is 87.5%.
consists of templates and
for generating the
for constructing automorphic
for finding optimal routing
for verifying the routing
for verifying the DRing routing (ECMP and SU2)
for generating DRing route based on original paper (ECMP and SU2)
miscellaneous helper
is a library of simple building blocks in Mosek FusionDockerfile
for building the Docker imagerequirements.txt
required python packages for the Docker image
$ git clone
We test the code with the following environment
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Docker 20.10.17 (build 100c701)
Build an Docker image
$ echo $PWD
$ ls $PWD
Oblivious-Routing-Automorphism mosek.lic
$ cd Oblivious-Routing-Automorphism
$ sudo docker build -t oblivious-routing-automorphism .
Run the code via docker
Assume you already have MOSEK license file (mosek.lic) in $PWD/mosek.lic
$ echo $PWD
$ ls $PWD
Oblivious-Routing-Automorphism mosek.lic
$ sudo docker run --volume=$PWD/mosek.lic:/root/mosek/mosek.lic:ro --volume=$PWD/Oblivious-Routing-Automorphism:/app oblivious-routing-automorphism
- Python 3.10.8
- Mosek 9.3.18
- networkx 2.8
- numpy 1.21.5
- pynauty 1.0.2
All packages can be installed as follows:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
How to run
Assume you already have MOSEK license file (mosek.lic) in ~/mosek/mosek.lic
$ python
For SlimFly topology, it can be downloaded via
(1) Extract sf.tar.gz
(2) Copy directory sf_sc_2014/graphs/adjacency-list-format
to this project directory
(3) Rename directory from adjacency-list-format
to SlimFly
You can implement your topology in
and create your workflow based on templates in
author={Chitavisutthivong, Kanatip and Supittayapornpong, Sucha and Namyar, Pooria and Zhang, Mingyang and Yu, Minlan and Govindan, Ramesh},
journal={IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking},
title={Optimal Oblivious Routing With Concave Objectives for Structured Networks},