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This repository aims to formalize the simplicial model of HoTT. All the indexes below refer to this paper.

On the semantic side:

Contextual Category

  • Contextual category (1.2.1)
  • Logical structures on a contextual category (Appendix B)


  • Universe in a category, i.e., a morphism with chosen pullbacks (1.3)
  • Universe induces a contextual category (1.3.2, 1.3.3)
  • Logical structures on a universe in a locally closed cartesian category (1.4)
  • If the universe has a certain logical structures, so does the contextual category it induces (1.4.15)
  • $\Pi$-type has been completely formalized for the last two points.

The simplicial model

  1. Construction
  • $\alpha$-small well-ordered morphisms of simplicial sets (2.1.1, 2.1.3)
  • The isomorphism classes form a set, or is Small in Lean. (Footnote 9)
  • The isomorphism classes form a functor $\mathbf W_{\alpha}$ from simplicial sets to sets, and the functor preserves limits (2.1.4)
  • The functor is represented by $W_\alpha$ (2.1.5)
  • The canonical map $\tilde W_\alpha \to W_\alpha$ is strictly universal with respect to all the $\alpha$-small well-ordered morphisms
  • The subobject $U_\alpha$ corresponding to all the $\alpha$-small well-ordered Kan fibrations and a map $\tilde U_\alpha \to U_\alpha$ (2.1.9)
  • $\tilde U_\alpha \to U_\alpha$ is a Kan fibration (2.1.10)
  • $\tilde U_\alpha \to U_\alpha$ is strictly universal with respect to all the $\alpha$-small well-ordered Kan fibrations (2.1.12)
  • $\tilde U_\alpha \to U_\alpha$ forms a universe
  • Dependent products of a small morphism along a small morphism is again small.
  1. Property
  • The universe given by $\tilde U_\alpha \to U_\alpha$ has the logical structures
  • The contextual category satisfies univalence

Locally cartesian closedness

  • Definition of locally cartesian closed categories (Reference)
  • Every presheaf category is locally cartesian closed categories. Here by presheaf category we meanCᵒᵖ ⥤ Type max v w, where the type of morphisms of C lies in Type v, hence not necessarily Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v. In particular SSet.{u} is locally cartesian closed for any u.
  • A not so trivial lemma: dependent products of a pullback along a pullback is a pullback.

On the syntactic side

  • Aim to formalize a type theory. Since formalizing the whole Martin-Löf type theory would be too much work, only trying pure type system now
  • Define the syntactic category of PTS. Prove that it is contextual.
  • Aim to define an interpretation function to connect the syntactics and semantics.


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