A robust e-commerce backend built with NestJS, TypeORM, and MySQL, featuring advanced authentication, shopping cart management, order processing, and caching mechanisms.
- JWT-based authentication with access and refresh tokens
- Refresh tokens stored in database for security
- HTTP-only cookie implementation for refresh tokens
- Custom security settings management
- Profile creation and management
- Customizable user preferences
- Secure password management
- Session management for guest users
- Product browsing by categories
- Advanced search functionality
- Wishlist management
- Dynamic cart management (both authenticated and guest users)
- Real-time price and stock notifications
- Order history tracking
- Order cancellation within designated period
- Customizable product sorting (price, rating, etc.)
- Session cart to database cart migration
- Transaction management for data consistency
- Order snapshots for price consistency during checkout
- REPEATABLE READ isolation level for checkout process
- Custom global exception filter with detailed logging
- DTO validation using class-validator
- Redis caching implementation
- Custom decorators for:
- Route authentication control
- User data extraction
- Cache management
- Public route access
- Node.js (v20.x)
- MySQL (v8.0+)
- Redis (v5.x+)
- Docker & Docker Compose
- Yarn (v1.22+)
- Framework:
- NestJS v10.0.0
- Express v4.17
- Database:
- MySQL2 v3.5.0
- TypeORM v0.3.17
- Caching:
- Redis (via ioredis v5.4.1)
- @liaoliaots/nestjs-redis v10.0.0
- Authentication:
- Passport v0.6.0
- JWT (@nestjs/jwt v10.1.0)
- bcrypt v5.1.0
- Validation:
- class-validator v0.14.0
- class-transformer v0.5.1
- Session Management:
- cookie-session v2.0.0
- express-session v1.18.0
- Type Support:
- TypeScript v5.1.3
- Development Tools:
- ESLint v8.42.0
- Prettier v2.8.8
- Jest v29.5.0
- Clone the repository:
git clone [repository-url]
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Set up environment variables:
cp .env.example .env.development
- Start Redis and MySQL using Docker:
docker-compose up -d
- Start the application:
# Development
yarn start:dev
# Production build
yarn build
yarn start:prod
├── app.module.ts # Main application module
├── main.ts # Application entry point
├── carts/ # Cart management module
│ ├── controllers/ # Cart-related endpoints
│ │ ├── buy-now.controller.ts # Direct purchase functionality
│ │ ├── session-cart.controller.ts # Guest cart management
│ │ └── user-cart.controller.ts # Authenticated user cart
│ ├── dtos/ # Data transfer objects for cart operations
│ ├── services/ # Cart business logic
│ │ ├── buy-now-cart.service.ts # Direct purchase processing
│ │ ├── cart-item.service.ts # Cart item operations
│ │ ├── cart-utility.service.ts # Shared cart utilities
│ │ ├── cart.service.ts # Main cart operations
│ │ └── session-cart.service.ts # Guest cart handling
│ └── types/ # Cart-related type definitions
├── categories/ # Category management
│ ├── category.controller.ts # Category endpoints
│ ├── category.module.ts # Category module configuration
│ ├── category.service.ts # Category business logic
│ └── types/ # Category-related types
├── common/ # Shared utilities and middleware
│ ├── decorators/ # Custom decorators
│ │ ├── public.decorator.ts # Public route marking
│ │ ├── user-uuid-from-cookie.ts # User extraction from cookies
│ │ └── user.decorator.ts # User data extraction
│ ├── errors/ # Error handling
│ │ ├── app-error.ts # Custom error definitions
│ │ └── global-exception-filter.ts # Global error handler
│ ├── guards/ # Authentication guards
│ │ ├── at.guard.ts # Access token validation
│ │ └── rt.guard.ts # Refresh token validation
│ ├── middleware/ # Custom middleware
│ ├── services/ # Shared services
│ └── strategies/ # Passport authentication strategies
├── config/ # Configuration files
│ └── database.config.ts # Database configuration
├── entities/ # Database entities
│ ├── Cart.entity.ts # Cart model
│ ├── Order.entity.ts # Order model
│ ├── Product.entity.ts # Product model
│ ├── User.entity.ts # User model
│ └── Wishlist.entity.ts # Wishlist model
├── interceptors/ # Custom interceptors
│ └── serialize.interceptor.ts # Response serialization
├── orders/ # Order processing module
│ ├── dtos/ # Order data transfer objects
│ ├── services/ # Order processing logic
│ │ ├── order-utility.service.ts # Order utilities
│ │ ├── order-validation.service.ts # Order validation
│ │ └── order.service.ts # Main order operations
│ └── types/ # Order-related types
│ ├── checkout-snapshot.type.ts # Order snapshot definition
│ └── checkoutType.enum.ts # Checkout type enums
├── products/ # Product management module
│ ├── controllers/ # Product-related endpoints
│ ├── dtos/ # Product data transfer objects
│ ├── services/ # Product business logic
│ │ ├── product.service.ts # Product operations
│ │ ├── review.service.ts # Review management
│ │ └── wishlist.service.ts # Wishlist operations
│ └── types/ # Product-related types
├── redis/ # Redis caching implementation
│ ├── cache-result.decorator.ts # Cache decorator
│ ├── redis.module.ts # Redis module configuration
│ └── redis.service.ts # Redis service implementation
├── subcategories/ # Subcategory management
│ ├── dtos/ # Subcategory DTOs
│ ├── enums/ # Sorting and filtering enums
│ └── types/ # Subcategory-related types
└── users/ # User management module
├── controllers/ # User-related endpoints
│ ├── auth.controller.ts # Authentication endpoints
│ └── user.controller.ts # User operations
├── dtos/ # User-related DTOs
├── services/ # User business logic
│ ├── auth.service.ts # Authentication service
│ └── user.service.ts # User management
└── types/ # User-related types
├── jwt-payload.type.ts # JWT payload definition
└── tokens.type.ts # Token type definitions
- JWT-based implementation
- Short-lived tokens for API access
- Passed via Authorization header
- Secure HTTP-only cookie implementation
- Stored in database for tracking and revocation
- Automatic token rotation
- ACID compliance for critical operations
- REPEATABLE READ isolation level for checkout process
- Optimistic locking for concurrent access
- Redis implementation for reduced database load
- Intelligent cache invalidation
- Product-specific cache tracking
- Product browsing
- Category listing
- Search functionality
- Guest cart management
- User profile management
- Order processing
- Wishlist management
- Cart operations
Custom exception filter providing:
- Detailed error logging
- User-friendly error messages
- Consistent error response format
- Redis caching for frequently accessed data
- Efficient database querying with TypeORM
- Transaction management for data consistency
- Session management for guest users
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a Pull Request
Kutay Araz
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kutayaraz
- GitHub: https://github.com/KutayAraz