<img src=“https://travis-ci.org/LA-Ping-Pong-Ding-Dongs/pivot-pong.svg” alt=“Build Status” /> <img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/LA-Ping-Pong-Ding-Dongs/pivot-pong.png” />
Welcome to the Los Angeles version of Pivot Pong. The app tracks players as they participate in tournaments, providing macro information via ranking/performance and micro information on tournament play. For the Pivotal version of this application github.com/dipolesource | Pivotal Tracker @mmccormick is acting as the PM. Tracker project is www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/795077
Players are identified by a case insensitive name. Mike and mike are the same while mikem is a new player.
Tournaments start on Monday at 00:00 and are one week in length. A match is any best of three game competition between any two players. The matches should respect proper service (www.killerspin.com/spin-info-table-tennis-rules#06) and none of this bouncing off the walls monkey business.
This application has a few patterns we ask you to respect while contributing code. Think of it as a chance to explore the unfamiliar.
We make heavy use of DI in Rails for the purpose of faster tests. Rails doesn’t make this particularly easy, so you should look a few places before getting started. Of note, controllers use a form of property injection to compensate for our inability to hook their instantiation, most POROs (plain old ruby objects) have an initializer signature–form objects are a good example–that instantiate dependencies as defaults, and we heavily leverage Rspec > 3’s instance_double method (see relishapp).