Tags: LEONWANG7/matplotlib
REL: v3.4.2 This is the second bugfix release of the 3.4.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * Generate wheels usable on older PyPy7.3.{0,1} * Fix compatibility with Python 3.10 * Add `subplot_mosaic` Axes in the order the user gave them to us * Correctly handle 'none' *facecolors* in `do_3d_projection` * Ensure that Matplotlib is importable even if there's no HOME * Fix `CenteredNorm` with *halfrange* * Fix bar_label for bars with nan values * Fix clip paths when zoomed such that they are outside the figure * Fix creation of `RangeSlider` with *valinit* * Fix handling of "d" glyph in backend_ps, fixing EPS output * Fix handling of datetime coordinates in `pcolormesh` with Pandas * Fix processing of some `errorbar` arguments * Fix removal of shared polar Axes * Fix resetting grid visibility * Fix subfigure indexing error and tight bbox * Fix textbox cursor color * Fix TkAgg event loop error on window close * Ignore errors for sip with no setapi (Qt4Agg import errors)
REL: v3.4.1 This is the first bugfix release of the 3.4.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix errorbar when specifying fillstyle * fix Inkscape cleanup at exit on Windows for tests * fix legends of colour-mapped scatter plots * fix positioning of annotation fancy arrows * fix size and color rendering for 3D scatter plots * fix suptitle manual positioning when using constrained layout * respect antialiasing settings in cairo backends as well
REL: v3.4.0 Highlights of this release include: - Figure and Axes creation / management - New subfigure functionality - Single-line string notation for subplot_mosaic - Changes to behavior of Axes creation methods (gca, add_axes, add_subplot) - add_subplot/add_axes gained an axes_class parameter - Subplot and subplot2grid can now work with constrained layout - Plotting methods - axline supports transform parameter - New automatic labeling for bar charts - A list of hatches can be specified to bar and barh - Setting BarContainer orientation - Contour plots now default to using ScalarFormatter - Axes.errorbar cycles non-color properties correctly - errorbar errorevery parameter matches markevery - hexbin supports data reference for C parameter - Support callable for formatting of Sankey labels - Axes.spines access shortcuts - New stairs method and StepPatch artist - Added orientation parameter for stem plots - Angles on Bracket arrow styles - TickedStroke patheffect - Colors and colormaps - Collection color specification and mapping - Transparency (alpha) can be set as an array in collections - pcolormesh has improved transparency handling by enabling snapping - IPython representations for Colormap objects - Colormap.set_extremes and Colormap.with_extremes - Get under/over/bad colors of Colormap objects - New cm.unregister_cmap function - New CenteredNorm for symmetrical data around a center - New FuncNorm for arbitrary normalizations - GridSpec-based colorbars can now be positioned above or to the left of the main axes - Titles, ticks, and labels - supxlabel and supylabel - Shared-axes subplots tick label visibility is now correct for top or left labels - An iterable object with labels can be passed to Axes.plot - Fonts and Text - Text transform can rotate text direction - matplotlib.mathtext now supports overset and underset LaTeX symbols - math_fontfamily parameter to change Text font family - TextArea/AnchoredText support horizontalalignment - PDF supports URLs on Text artists - rcParams improvements - New rcParams for dates: set converter and whether to use interval_multiples - Date formatters now respect usetex rcParam - Setting image.cmap to a Colormap - Tick and tick label colors can be set independently using rcParams - 3D Axes improvements - Errorbar method in 3D Axes - Stem plots in 3D Axes - 3D Collection properties are now modifiable - Panning in 3D Axes - Interactive tool improvements - New RangeSlider widget - Sliders can now snap to arbitrary values - Pausing and Resuming Animations - Sphinx extensions - plot_directive caption option - Backend-specific improvements - Consecutive rasterized draws now merged - Support raw/rgba frame format in FFMpegFileWriter - nbAgg/WebAgg support middle-click and double-click - nbAgg support binary communication - Indexed color for PNG images in PDF files when possible - Improved font subsettings in PDF/PS - Kerning added to strings in PDFs - Fully-fractional HiDPI in QtAgg - wxAgg supports fullscreen toggle
REL: v3.3.4 This is the fourth bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * Fix WebAgg initialization. * Fix parsing QT_API setting with mixed case. * Fix build with LTO disabled in environment. * Fix test compatibility with Python 3.10. * Fix test compatibility with NumPy 1.20. * Fix test compatibility with pytest 6.2.
REL: v3.3.3 This is the third bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * Fix calls to `Axis.grid` with argument `visible=True`. * Fix fully masked `imshow`. * Fix inconsistent color mapping in scatter for 3D plots. * Fix notebook/nbAgg figures when used with ipywidgets in the same cell. * Fix notebook/nbAgg/WebAgg on older (e.g., Firefox ESR) browsers. * Fix pcolormesh with `datetime` coordinates. * Fix performance regression with `datetime`s. * Fix singular ticks with small log ranges. * Fix timers/animations on wx and notebook backends. * Remove certifi as a hard runtime dependency.
REL: v3.3.2 This is the second bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix Axis scale on twinned Axes * fix auto-close of Figures in nbagg * fix automatic title placement if Axes is off the Figure * fix autoranging of log scales with barstacked histogram * fix extra redraws when using Button or TextBox widgets * fix imshow with LogNorm and large vmin/vmax ranges * fix plotting Pandas DataFrame with string MultiIndex * fix scatter with `marker=''` * fix scatter3d color/linewidth re-projection * fix state of mode buttons in TkAgg backends * include license files in built distribution * reduce Visual C++ runtime requirements on Windows
REL: v3.3.1 This is the first bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix docstring import issues when running Python with optimization * fix `hist` with categorical data, such as with Pandas * fix install on BSD systems * fix nbagg compatibility with Chrome 84+ * fix ordering of scatter marker size in 3D plots * fix performance regression when plotting `Path`s * fix reading from URL in `imread` * fix several regressions with new date epoch handling * fix some bad constrained and tight layout interactions with colorbars * fix use of customized toolbars in TkAgg and WXAgg backends