- Florianopolis
- https://thelittleluiz.me/
- @TheLittleLuiz
🍰 Stellar-plus is a robust JavaScript library built by Cheesecake Labs and designed to streamline the development of applications on the Stellar network.
Apollo Server 4 with Subscriptions support and Kysely for Postgres SQL Management
🔔 An opinionated toast component for Vue & Nuxt.
Create Tailwind CSS React components like styled components with class names on multiple lines and conditional class rendering
Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source.
Simple Notes App Using React Native, NativeWind, XState
Simple Neovim Configuration, Including Github Copilot, NERD Tree, Dracula, CoC Completion and much more...
Web Workers Implementation, for heavy file splitting and uploading
Web Workers Implementation, for heavy file splitting and uploading
Self-Hosted Stadia: Play with your friends online from any device and at any time
Multicall Smart Contract to help you making requests into the RPC
Greeting message contract with Solana Rust and Anchor, Made from this article to explain how the solana blockchain works
Counter Strike implementation with Javascript/Typescript
Turbo repo template setup using Typescript and Vue
Tools for building NEAR smart contracts in JavaScript
crypto chart widget for react using binance api
Write tests once, run them both on NEAR TestNet and a controlled NEAR Sandbox local environment
Message authentication code algorithms written in pure Rust
⚡️ Project with Vite + Relay and React TS