- Florianopolis
- https://thelittleluiz.me/
- @TheLittleLuiz
Web Workers Implementation, for heavy file splitting and uploading
Demo repository for Next.js + React server components
📱InAppBrowser for React Native (Android & iOS) 🤘
matheus1lva / universal-binance-api
Forked from Treast/binance.jsAn API wrapper for Binance. Build your application faster !
Detect dark mode in React Native
Game-X-Coin / eosjs-ecc-rn
Forked from EOSIO/eosjs-eccElliptic curve cryptography functions: Private Key, Public Key, Signature, AES, Encryption, Decryption
Game-X-Coin / eosjs-rn
Forked from EOSIO/eosjsGeneral purpose library for the EOS blockchain.
A Simple block chain implementation using Node js + ES6 + flow
Some aplicable examples of shared element transitions
A simple boilerplate using apollo-server, eslint, flow, babel, circle-ci and docker
Elixir + GraphQL - Huge Boilerpalte
Initiate a phone call in React Native
The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
brunolemos / react-native
Forked from facebook/react-nativeThis fork was created to enable Hooks but no need anymore. Upgrade to the latest version instead!
Flutter Launch Timeline Demo
manning / Text-Analysis-for-Humanities-Research
Forked from teddyroland/Text-Analysis-for-Humanities-ResearchBerkeley DLab Python Intensive May 23-26