you will need to have a Google service account and have editor access granted, the credentials.json will contain the required information generated by Google Cloud Service, containing information like type, project_id, private_key_id, private_key, client_email, client_id, auth_uri, token_uri, auth_provider_x509_cert_url, client_x509_cert_url
This is a local deployment software and shouldn't be exposed to public internet since there is no security sys implemented and the implementation never considers the security issue:
It might work, but it's not safe.
in src: python 8000
config file template:
config.json in src
"sheet_id": "***********",
"cred_path": "credentials.json",
"tax_rate": 0.15,
"money_return_msg": "Money Trans💰",
"port": 8000
The software provided service to auto calculate the debt and money transfer procedure required to make everybody clear on bills
A paid 10 dollars for B and C, and B paid 5 dollars for A, C paid 6 dollars for B and A, in the regular procedure, we would need:
- B and C ===$5===> A
- A ===$5===> B
- B and A ===$3===> C
but the software will optimize the debt and tell you:
- B ===$1===> C
- B ===$2===> A
The software uses Google Sheets as the data source due to its easy to understand and edit nature.