This is the official implementation of the pure AR/WAVE Transformers, introduced in the paper WAVE Attention Mechanisms. The core model is located in models/
. The repository includes various attention mechanisms, with aliases corresponding to each method used in the provided code and scripts as follows:
# FullAttention (CausalSelfAttention): Standard Softmax Attention
# FullAttentionARMA (CausalSelfAttentionARMA): Standard Softmax Attention + ARMA
# TwoStageSelfgatingRNN: Element-wise Linear Attention (AFT)
# TwoStageSelfgatingRNNARMA: Element-wise Linear Attention + ARMA
# LinearAttention: Linear Attention
# LinearAttentionARMA: Linear Attention + ARMA
# MaskedLinear: Fixed Attention
# MaskedLinearARMA: Fixed Attention + ARMA
# GatedLinearAttention: Gated Linear Attention
# GatedLinearAttentionARMA: Gated Linear Attention + ARMA
# MovingAverageGatedAttention: MEGA
First, install PyTorch with GPU support by following the instructions on Then, install the additional dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can download the 12 datasets used in the paper from the link provided by itransformer [1]. Place the downloaded files in dataset/
To train the AR/ARMA Transformers, run:
For baseline models used in the paper, run:
You can visualize the training process using TensorBoard by running the following command:
nohup tensorboard --logdir runs --port 6006 --bind_all > tensorb.log 2>&1 &
To train the models on your own dataset, format the CSV file with the first column as date
(timestamps), and the remaining columns as the time series values. Place your dataset in the dataset/
Next, update the following arrays in the scripts to include your dataset:
data_names=("weather/weather.csv" "ETT-small/ETTm1.csv" "ETT-small/ETTm2.csv" "ETT-small/ETTh1.csv" "ETT-small/ETTh2.csv" "Solar/solar_AL.txt" "electricity/electricity.csv" "PEMS/PEMS03.npz" "PEMS/PEMS04.npz" "PEMS/PEMS07.npz" "PEMS/PEMS08.npz" "traffic/traffic.csv")
data_alias=("Weather" "ETTm1" "ETTm2" "ETTh1" "ETTh2" "Solar" "ECL" "PEMS03" "PEMS04" "PEMS07" "PEMS08" "Traffic")
data_types=("custom" "ETTm1" "ETTm2" "ETTh1" "ETTh2" "Solar" "custom" "PEMS" "PEMS" "PEMS" "PEMS" "custom")
enc_ins=(21 7 7 7 7 137 321 358 307 883 170 862) # Number of time series in each dataset
batch_sizes=(32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32) # Batch sizes for each dataset
grad_accums=(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) # Gradient accumulation steps
Modify these lists to match the configuration of your custom dataset.
[1] Liu, Yong, et al. "iTransformer: Inverted Transformers Are Effective for Time Series Forecasting." arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.06625 (2023).