EventGhost is an advanced, yet easy-to-use extensible automation tool for Windows.
LORDofDOOM / wowarmory
Forked from Shadez/wowarmoryFork of Shadez Armory - Thanks goes to Shadez and badtboy for their work :-)
Amblight Clone for C# - Original author is Silas (
No longer supported. Use. The DB for this is located here.
This core is not supported anymore - Please use the new MMOCoreEvo
WarHead / uwom-server
Forked from TrinityCore/TrinityCoreDieses Projekt basiert auf dem TrinityCore. Unserer enthält allerdings selbst geschriebenen Sourcecode. UWoM-Server hat nicht vor dem Original treu zu bleiben, oder in allen Änderungen zu folgen. W…
This repo has been moved to
Fork of TrinityCore
TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework (master =, 3.3.5 = 3.3.5a.12340, cata classic =
A python app to map joystick buttons to key and mouse bindings
The World of Warcraft Armory is a vast searchable database of information for World of Warcraft - taken straight from the real servers and presented in a user-friendly interface. Since the Armory p…