- Days: TTh 9:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
- Location: BO 320
- Semester:Mon Aug 24th - Fri Dec 4th
- Holidays:
- Labor Day Mon Sep 7th
- Thanks Giving: Wed Nov 25th - Fri Nov 27th
- Last Day for “W”: Fri Dec 4th
- Last Day of Class: Fri Dec 4th
- Final Exam: Monday Dec 7th, 5:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Categories | Portion of Course | Letter Grade | Grade Range |
Projects (5)1 | 55% | A | 89-100 |
Exams (1)2 & Assignments | 15% | B | 79-88 |
Final4 | 20% | C | 69-78 |
Github Portfolio | 10% | D | 59-68 |
F | below 59 |
1. Lowest exam grade can be replaced by Final Exam grade if deemed appropriate by instructor. This is for students who attend class and participate.
2. Despite the low overall value of the programming portion of the course, ALL programs must be turned in running to pass the course. They don't have to be necessarily correct, but they must run and they need to at least approach the solution (a "Hello World" program will not work).
3. The portion that the "homework/quizzes" section of the course is worth will be calculated by a function based on the number of assignments and quizzes. If zero homeworks / quizzes are assigned then they will be assigned a 0% portion. If at least 10 are assigned then the full 25% will be assigned as its weight. If the full weight is not used, then the class will decide how the remaining percentage points will be assigned.
4. Plane ticket prices, events like weddings, or trips out of the country are not valid excuses for missing the final exam time. I will not make accommodations for anything other than an issue vetted by the dean of students.
- All students need a Github account
- All programs need to be turned in to pass the course
- General Assignment Rules:
- Due dates and times are as listed on assignment and can change with prior notice to class.
- Formatting of programs is important, and will be graded accordingly.
- You name is required on ALL documents uploaded or turned in. Handwritten name is not acceptable.
- All files / programs created by you will end up in your assignments folder within your Github repository.
- Attending class is one of the primary keys to doing well in this class. Students may be dropped for excessive absences. There is no distinction made between excused and unexcused.
- Make-up exams are not given. If I see fit, then I will replace a missed exam with your final exam test grade (but this is optional to instructor based on circumstances, attendance, participation, etc.).
- Programs containing syntax errors are unacceptable and will be returned without grading (your programs must work).
- Periodically homework assignments will be taken up and graded. It is the student's responsibility to keep up with assignments and to ask questions over the assigned work, even if absent. All homework assignments are due at the specified time that may or may not be in conjunction with a class day. All assignments / homeworks will be uploaded via Github.