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CharleneJiang authored Jul 20, 2016
1 parent 6523da7 commit a60f83b
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 83 deletions.
166 changes: 83 additions & 83 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -441,89 +441,89 @@
| [Swift](./Math/HappyNumber.swift) | 202 | [Happy Number]( | Easy |
| | 201 | [Bitwise AND of Numbers Range]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./DFS/NumberofIslands.swift) | 200 | [Number of Islands]( | Medium |
| | 199 | Binary Tree Right Side View | Medium |
| [Swift](./DP/HouseRobber.swift) | 198 | House Robber | Easy |
| | 191 | Number of 1 Bits | Easy |
| | 190 | Reverse Bits | Easy |
| [Swift](./Array/RotateArray.swift) | 189 | Rotate Array | Easy |
| | 188 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV | Hard |
| | 187 | Repeated DNA Sequences | Medium |
| | 186 | Reverse Words in a String II | Medium |
| | 179 | Largest Number | Medium |
| | 174 | Dungeon Game | Hard |
| | 173 | Binary Search Tree Iterator | Medium |
| | 172 | Factorial Trailing Zeroes | Easy |
| [Swift](./Math/ExcelSheetColumnNumber.swift) | 171 | Excel Sheet Column Number | Easy |
| | 170 | Two Sum III - Data structure design | Easy |
| | 169 | Majority Element | Easy |
| | 168 | Excel Sheet Column Title | Easy |
| | 167 | Two Sum II - Input array is sorted | Medium |
| | 166 | Fraction to Recurring Decimal | Medium |
| | 165 | Compare Version Numbers | Easy |
| | 164 | Maximum Gap | Hard |
| | 163 | Missing Ranges | Medium |
| [Swift](./Search/FindPeakElement.swift) | 162 | Find Peak Element | Medium |
| [Swift](./String/OneEditDistance.swift) | 161 | One Edit Distance | Medium |
| | 160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Easy |
| | 159 | Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters | Hard |
| | 158 | Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times | Hard |
| | 157 | Read N Characters Given Read4 | Easy |
| | 156 | Binary Tree Upside Down | Medium |
| | 155 | Min Stack | Easy |
| [Swift](./Search/FindMinimumRotatedSortedArrayII.swift) | 154 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II | Hard |
| [Swift](./Search/FindMinimumRotatedSortedArray.swift) | 153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium |
| [Swift](./DP/MaximumProductSubarray.swift) | 152 | Maximum Product Subarray | Medium |
| | 151 | Reverse Words in a String | Medium |
| [Swift](./Stack/EvaluateReversePolishNotation.swift) | 150 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | Medium |
| | 149 | Max Points on a Line | Hard |
| | 148 | Sort List | Medium |
| | 147 | Insertion Sort List | Medium |
| | 146 | LRU Cache | Hard |
| [Swift](./Stack/PostorderTraversal.swift) | 145 | Binary Tree Postorder Traversal | Hard |
| [Swift](./Stack/PreorderTraversal.swift) | 144 | Binary Tree Preorder Traversal | Medium |
| [Swift](./LinkedList/ReorderList.swift) | 143 | Reorder List | Medium |
| | 142 | Linked List Cycle II | Medium |
| | 141 | Linked List Cycle | Easy |
| | 140 | Word Break II | Hard |
| | 139 | Word Break | Medium |
| | 138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | Hard |
| [Swift](./Math/SingleNumberII.swift) | 137 | Single Number II | Medium |
| [Swift](./Math/SingleNumber.swift) | 136 | Single Number | Medium |
| | 135 | Candy | Hard |
| | 134 | Gas Station | Medium |
| | 133 | Clone Graph | Medium |
| | 132 | Palindrome Partitioning II | Hard |
| | 131 | Palindrome Partitioning | Medium |
| | 130 | Surrounded Regions | Medium |
| | 129 | Sum Root to Leaf Numbers | Medium |
| | 128 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | Hard |
| | 127 | Word Ladder | Medium |
| | 126 | Word Ladder II | Hard |
| | 125 | Valid Palindrome | Easy |
| | 124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Hard |
| | 123 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | Hard |
| | 122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Medium |
| [Swift](./DP/BestTimeBuySellStock.swift) | 121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Easy |
| | 120 | Triangle | Medium |
| | 119 | Pascal's Triangle II | Easy |
| | 118 | Pascal's Triangle | Easy |
| | 117 | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II | Hard |
| | 116 | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node | Medium |
| | 115 | Distinct Subsequences | Hard |
| | 114 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/PathSumII.swift) | 113 | Path Sum II | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/PathSum.swift) | 112 | Path Sum | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/MinimumDepthOfBinaryTree.swift) | 111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/BalancedBinaryTree.swift) | 110 | Balanced Binary Tree | Easy |
| | 109 | Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree | Medium |
| | 108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversalII.swift) | 107 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/ConstructBinaryTreeInorderPostorder.swift) | 106 | Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/ConstructBinaryTreePreorderInorder.swift) | 105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/MaximumDepthOfBinaryTree.swift) | 104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/BinaryTreeZigzagLevelOrderTraversal.swift) | 103 | Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal.swift) | 102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/SymmetricTree.swift) | 101 | Symmetric Tree | Easy |
| | 199 | [Binary Tree Right Side View]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./DP/HouseRobber.swift) | 198 | [House Robber]( | Easy |
| | 191 | [Number of 1 Bits]( | Easy |
| | 190 | [Reverse Bits]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Array/RotateArray.swift) | 189 | [Rotate Array]( | Easy |
| | 188 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV]( | Hard |
| | 187 | [Repeated DNA Sequences]( | Medium |
| | 186 | [Reverse Words in a String II]( ♥ | Medium |
| | 179 | [Largest Number]( | Medium |
| | 174 | [Dungeon Game]( | Hard |
| | 173 | [Binary Search Tree Iterator]( | Medium |
| | 172 | [Factorial Trailing Zeroes]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Math/ExcelSheetColumnNumber.swift) | 171 | [Excel Sheet Column Number]( | Easy |
| | 170 | [Two Sum III - Data structure design]( ♥ | Easy |
| | 169 | [Majority Element]( | Easy |
| | 168 | [Excel Sheet Column Title]( | Easy |
| | 167 | [Two Sum II - Input array is sorted]( ♥ | Medium |
| | 166 | [Fraction to Recurring Decimal]( | Medium |
| | 165 | [Compare Version Numbers]( | Easy |
| | 164 | [Maximum Gap]( | Hard |
| | 163 | [Missing Ranges]( ♥ | Medium |
| [Swift](./Search/FindPeakElement.swift) | 162 | [Find Peak Element]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./String/OneEditDistance.swift) | 161 | [One Edit Distance](♥ | Medium |
| | 160 | [Intersection of Two Linked Lists]( | Easy |
| | 159 | [Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters]( ♥ | Hard |
| | 158 | [Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times]( ♥ | Hard |
| | 157 | [Read N Characters Given Read4]( ♥ | Easy |
| | 156 | [Binary Tree Upside Down]( ♥ | Medium |
| | 155 | [Min Stack]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Search/FindMinimumRotatedSortedArrayII.swift) | 154 | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II]( | Hard |
| [Swift](./Search/FindMinimumRotatedSortedArray.swift) | 153 | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./DP/MaximumProductSubarray.swift) | 152 | [Maximum Product Subarray]( | Medium |
| | 151 | [Reverse Words in a String]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./Stack/EvaluateReversePolishNotation.swift) | 150 | [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation]( | Medium |
| | 149 | [Max Points on a Line]( | Hard |
| | 148 | [Sort List]( | Medium |
| | 147 | [Insertion Sort List]( | Medium |
| | 146 | [LRU Cache]( | Hard |
| [Swift](./Stack/PostorderTraversal.swift) | 145 | [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( | Hard |
| [Swift](./Stack/PreorderTraversal.swift) | 144 | [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./LinkedList/ReorderList.swift) | 143 | [Reorder List]( | Medium |
| | 142 | [Linked List Cycle II]( | Medium |
| | 141 | [Linked List Cycle]( | Easy |
| | 140 | [Word Break II]( | Hard |
| | 139 | [Word Break]( | Medium |
| | 138 | [Copy List with Random Pointer]( | Hard |
| [Swift](./Math/SingleNumberII.swift) | 137 | [Single Number II]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./Math/SingleNumber.swift) | 136 | [Single Number]( | Medium |
| | 135 | [Candy]( | Hard |
| | 134 | [Gas Station]( | Medium |
| | 133 | [Clone Graph]( | Medium |
| | 132 | [Palindrome Partitioning II]( | Hard |
| | 131 | [Palindrome Partitioning]( | Medium |
| | 130 | [Surrounded Regions]( | Medium |
| | 129 | [Sum Root to Leaf Numbers]( | Medium |
| | 128 | [Longest Consecutive Sequence]( | Hard |
| | 127 | [Word Ladder]( | Medium |
| | 126 | [Word Ladder II]( | Hard |
| | 125 | [Valid Palindrome]( | Easy |
| | 124 | [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum]( | Hard |
| | 123 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III]( | Hard |
| | 122 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./DP/BestTimeBuySellStock.swift) | 121 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock]( | Easy |
| | 120 | [Triangle]( | Medium |
| | 119 | [Pascal's Triangle II]( | Easy |
| | 118 | [Pascal's Triangle]( | Easy |
| | 117 | [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II]( | Hard |
| | 116 | [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node]( | Medium |
| | 115 | [Distinct Subsequences]( | Hard |
| | 114 | [Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/PathSumII.swift) | 113 | [Path Sum II]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/PathSum.swift) | 112 | [Path Sum]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/MinimumDepthOfBinaryTree.swift) | 111 | [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/BalancedBinaryTree.swift) | 110 | [Balanced Binary Tree]( | Easy |
| | 109 | [Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree]( | Medium |
| | 108 | [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversalII.swift) | 107 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/ConstructBinaryTreeInorderPostorder.swift) | 106 | [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/ConstructBinaryTreePreorderInorder.swift) | 105 | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/MaximumDepthOfBinaryTree.swift) | 104 | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/BinaryTreeZigzagLevelOrderTraversal.swift) | 103 | [Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal]( | Medium |
| [Swift](./Tree/BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal.swift) | 102 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/SymmetricTree.swift) | 101 | [Symmetric Tree]( | Easy |
| [Swift](./Tree/SameTree.swift) | 100 | [Same Tree]( | Easy |
| | 99 | [Recover Binary Search Tree]( | Hard |
| [Swift](./Tree/ValidateBinarySearchTree.swift) | 98 | [Validate Binary Search Tree]( | Medium |
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