Packed with:
- Pre-configured docker image for ROS development.
- Browser accessible X11 server to display gazebo, rviz, rqt (runs on Windows/Mac).
- Tasks definition to run catkin_make, roscore, rviz commands.
- Preconfigured code completion for C++, Python, XML (package.xml, launchfiles, URDF, SDF).
- Preconfigured simulation environments (Flatland, TurtleBot3, ARIAC, Virtual RobotX, UUV).
- Bonus: WebIDE (Theia) with preconfigured C++, Python, XML completion.
- Webviz
Before you start you have to have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine. If not, install using:
- Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker docker-compose
- On Mac Docker-compose should be part of docker Desktop, if not, use the following gude https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/
- On Windows one needs to install Docker desktop https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/
- Docker uses feature cgrous from linux Kernel, so installing Docker desktop, it virtualises a Linux Kernel. To virtualise in Windows, one hast to conduct the following steps:
- check if the parameters in the following link apply: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/troubleshoot/#virtualization
- most important is in task manager:
- if the virtualisation is deactivated, then it needs to be enables in BIOS
- check in google how to enable for your hardware. Here is an example for ASUS (used the manual from https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1038245/)
As of writing, docker-compose support of VSCode is not perfectly stable on all the platforms. We recommend using Theia WebIDE since it has complete VSCode function support after 1.0 release.
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/LagzdinsHSLU/ros_env_vscode_webviz.git
- Enter the following command under the folder of the cloned project:
$ cd ros_env_vscode_webviz
$ sudo docker-compose up
If you run this command for the first time, it will download lots of data and run for a long time => take a coffee :) Once the command has completed start up the environment:
Open http://localhost:3001/ to get VS Code using your favorite browser.
Open http://localhost:3003/ to get webviz using your favorite browser.
Open http://localhost:3000/ to get x11 vnc server using your favorite browser.
To start turtlesim simulation:
- in VS Code open terminal and write:
$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
- now one should see the turtlesim in x11 vnc server http://localhost:3000/
- in VS Code open 2nd terminal and write:
$ rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
- now one should be able to move the turtle with keyboard arrows