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Install the auto-sanity tool
    1. pip3 install -U pip
    2. pip3 install .

tplan yaml syntax:
            project_name: <string>  #your project name
            username: <string> #target device user name
            password: <string> #target device password
            # connection setup (Either serial console or ssh)
            # serial console port setup
            # port: the device path of the serial port, such as /dev/ttyUSB0
            # baud_rate: baud rate of the serial port [115200, 9600, 921600]
                port: <string> 
                baud_rate: <int> 
            # ssh connection setup
            # ip: the connection ip address
            # port: the connection port
                ip: <string>
                port: <int>
            network: <string> #network interface name such as eth0
            extra-recepients: <list of string>  #a list of mail address
            hostname: <string> #the host name show in your console *optional*

            #You can use the keys below to program your own provision procedure, and no one is necessary.

            - sys_commands: <list of string> #send command to host system
                - <string 1>
		- <string 2>

            - eof_commands: <list of dict>  #send command to target system
                # for console, the keyword is "console_commands" in testflinger
                - cmd: <string>
                  expected: <string> #your expectped string in result *optional*
                - cmd: <string>

            - console_commands_nb: <list> #send command to console with non-blocking mode, only support in testflinger
                - cmd: <string>

            - login #assume the system is already waiting for login, it would busy try login. It also support change password if your system require change password

            - run_login #monitor system boot up in run mode (make sure boot log has "snapd_recovery_mode=run" before keep going) and login, only support ubuntu core

            - initial_login: #monitor system install (make sure boot log has "snapd_recovery_mode=instal") and boot up(make sure boot log has "snapd_recovery_mode=run") and login, only support ubuntu core
                # method: choose from [cloud-init, system-user]
                # timeout: how long the tool would waiting before timeout in second *optional*
                method: <string>
                timeout: <int>

            - reboot_install: #reboot into recovery and monitor install, boot up and login
                # method: choose from [cloud-init, system-user]
                # timeout: how long the tool would waiting before timeout in second *optional*

                method: <string>
                timeout: <int>
            - deploy:
                # utility: choose from [utp_com, uuu, seed_override, seed_override_lk, iso]
                # method: choose from [cloud-init, system-user]
                # timeout: how long the tool would waiting before timeout in second *optional*
                # (if seed_override or seed_override_lk)
                # update your boot assets *optional*
                utility: <string>
                method: <string>
                timeout: <int> 
                update_boot_assets: <boolen>

            - checkbox:
                #snap_name: checkbox name
                #launcher: a plan to do checkbox test
                #secure_id: the secure id for your target dvice, you can find it on C3
                #submission_description: a string of description

                snap_name: <string> 
                launcher: <string> 
                secure_id: <string> 
                submission_description: <string> 

tplan yaml example:

        project_name: x8high-pdkv2
        username: ubuntu
        password: ubuntu123
            port: /dev/ttyUSB1
            baud_rate: 115200
        network: eth1
        recipients: ["[email protected]", ""]
        - sys_commands:
            - usbrelay 1_1=1
            - usbrelay 1_2=0
            - sleep 10
        - deploy:
            utility: uuu
            method: system-user
        - sys_commands:
            - usbrelay 1_1=0
            - usbrelay 1_2=1
            - sleep 10

        - initial_login:
            method: system-user
            timeout: 900
        - eof_commands:
            - cmd: sudo snap install checkbox20 --beta
            - cmd: sudo snap install --devmode checkbox-shiner --edge
            - cmd: sudo snap install --devmode checkbox-ce-oem --channel=focal/edge
            - cmd: sudo snap stop --disable checkbox-ce-oem.remote-slave
        - checkbox:
            snap_name: checkbox-shiner
            launcher: runner-launcher
            secure_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            submission_description: "This is an example"
Run test
    auto-sanity --sanity-launcher <your tplan>


An auto sanity tool for arm ubuntu-core






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