App that will Streamline plant watering for Users
Method | HTTP request | Object Expected |
POST | /signup | User or UserMinimum |
POST | /login | username & password |
All URIs are relative to baseUrl
Method | HTTP request | Description |
POST | /plants/plant | addNewPlant |
DELETE | /plants/plant/delete/{plantid} | deletePlantById |
GET | /plants/plant/withname/{plantname} | findPlantByNameLike |
GET | /plants/plant/id/{plantid} | getPlantById |
GET | /plants/plant/{plantname} | getPlantByName |
GET | /plants/plant/withspecies/{species} | getPlantBySpeciesLike |
GET | /plants/plant/species/{species} | getPlantBySpecies |
GET | /plants/plants | listAllPlants |
PUT | /plants/plant/{plantid} | updateFullUser |
All URIs are relative to baseUrl
Method | HTTP request | Description |
POST | /users/user | addNewUser |
DELETE | /users/user/{id} | deleteUserById |
GET | /users/getuserinfo | returns the currently authenticated user |
GET | /users/user/{userId} | getUserById |
GET | /users/user/name/{userName} | getUserByName |
GET | /users/user/name/like/{userName} | getUserLikeName |
GET | /users/users | listAllUsers |
PUT1 | /users/user/{userid} | updateFullUser |
PATCH | /users/user/{id} | updateUser |
"userid": 500,
"username": "doggy",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 11,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 12,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 1,
"name": "ADMIN"
"plants": [
"plantid": 5,
"nickname": "Bunny Ears Cactus",
"species": "Cactus",
"waterfrequency": "1x weekly",
"imgurl": ""