Optimized build scripts for custom install a Debian wheezy server LAMP based.
- dependencies mechanism required to verify which module required prior to current
- Install apc web-view to htdocs part of apcu build script.
- Script configuring automysqlbackup & cron
- Script configuring Google Drive up-on change
- php.ini - harden disable_functions
- add postgresql scripts
- make scripts for mariaDB
- add extenstion type detection, currently only .tar.gz supported
- add vsftpd with default configs - from src
- add composer install script php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');" mkdir -p /opt/local/sbin/bin/composer php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/opt/local/sbin/bin/composer --filename=composer
- exim
- custom route for each php-fpm user
- Reinstall VM and test all scripts.
- add curl --remote-name --time-cond cacert.pem https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem to /opt/local/etc/openssl/certs during postinstall for openssl (apt install --reinstall ca-certificates)
- SRS exim route not working
- Proftpd
- SSH Trap
INSTALL CMD: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LandRover/LAMP-Server-Tarball/HEAD/install.sh)"