Laboratory assignments from the Algorithms and Datastructures course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The codes are based on "Algorithms" 4th edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
1. The Fundamentals
- Bags, queues and stacks as single and double linked data structures
- Analysis: pros and cons of linked implementations vs. array based implementations
- Unit testing
- Application of generics and iterators in JAVA
2. Sorting
- Callbacks
- Insertion sort
- In-place algorithms
- Stable algorithms
- Merge sort
- Priority queues based on linked lists
3. Searching
- STs based on lists, arrays and binary search trees
- Hashtables
- Indexing for a text file based on using Symbol tables
4. Graphs
- Depth-first
- Breadth-first
- Methods to find directed paths and directed shortest paths in directed graphs
- Dijkstra's algorithm