Common used path planning algorithms with animations.
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It is my belief that you, the postgraduate students and job-seekers for whom the book is primarily meant will benefit from reading it; however, it is my hope that even the most experienced research…
Bokeh Plotting Backend for Pandas and GeoPandas
[ICCV 2023] VAD: Vectorized Scene Representation for Efficient Autonomous Driving
[CVPR 2024] On the Road to Portability: Compressing End-to-End Motion Planner for Autonomous Driving
Natural Language Processing Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
An endless drawing canvas desktop app made with Tauri (Rust) and React 🎨 ✍️
[CVPR 2023 Best Paper Award] Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving
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Coursera Open Courses from University of Toronto
This repository contains the official implementation of the research paper, "FastViT: A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization" ICCV 2023
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A driving dataset for the development and validation of fused pose estimators and mapping algorithms
📽 Capture and develop clips of openpilot. UI optional. Already deployed on for YOUR immediate use!
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