We created a visualizer to show how the most commonly used sorting algorithms work, including MergeSort, QuickSort, BubbleSort, and HeapSort. Our visualizer also compares the run time of these sorting algorithms on a randomly generated integer array.
Include the link to your Devpost project page here: Devpost
- Guang Yang - Devpost ID: LarryPenn – Penn email: [email protected] – GitHub
- Viranchi Patel - Devpost ID: viranchi – Penn email: [email protected] – GitHub
- Chenming Cao - Devpost ID: chenmcao – Penn email: [email protected] – GitHub
Clone the Github repo to an IDE on your local machine (we used VS Code). Make sure you have React installed on your machine, or you could install the React module by typing this command in the terminal:
npm install --save react
Then, in the project directory, you can run:
npm start
which would open http://localhost:3000 for you to view the visualizer in the browser.
- React - Description: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
We used some starter code from our fellow Penn alum Clément Mihailescu https://github.com/clementmihailescu that included the implementation of MergeSort, which we have since modified to make it visually consistent with the other sorting algorithms we wrote independently.