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AE of SC23

For AE reviewers, we have prepared a server containing all the datasets and codes. Please contact [email protected] to access the server.


(i) To begin, ensure that you have a machine with a performance configuration similar to the following: Intel Xeon Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz, 1 socket (16 cores, hyper-threading disabled), 256 GB memory, and at least 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100 (32GB memory) GPUs for PCIe.

Our open-source project can be found at, and the steps to reproduce our work are as follows:

  1. Download the repository code via git.

  2. The full dataset can be accessed via!Agc-P1eh9RVug-IM6eVlnMCpYCGCpQ?e=LlMueg. We also provide a DOI to the full dataset: Alternatively(and not recommended), you can opt to preprocess the dataset from the original Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection, which can be found at

  3. Install the necessary dependencies: gcc@12, CUDA@12, [email protected], [email protected], and python@3 (preinstalled on our clusters, so you only need to load it.). Examples by using module load command:

    • module load cuda-12.0.1-gcc-12.2.0-34tfuhe
    • module load openmpi-4.1.5-gcc-12.2.0-awa3vt5
    • module load cmake-3.26.3-gcc-12.2.0-caw7voo
  4. Build the project by executing mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make -j in the project's root folder.

  5. Please note that DATA_PATH and COMMAND_PREFIX, MULTI_CARD_COMMAND_PREFIX in the reproduce/ should be modified according to the environment of the machine.

(ii) The reproduction process:

After building the project, in reproduce/ directory:

  • run python ./ to reproduce pattern matching results. (Time cost: 7 hours)
    • it will generate graph for "Figure 9: overall performance of pattern matching" as pattern_matching_gpu.png and pattern_matching_cpu.png
  • run python ./ to reproduce clique counting results. (Time cost: 20 minutes)
    • it will generate file for "Table 5: kClique execution time" as clique_counting_gpu.csv and clique_counting_cpu.csv
  • run python ./ to reproduce frequent subgraph mining results. (Time cost: 7 hours)
    • it will generate file for "Table 6: k-FSM execution time" as frequent_subgraph_mining_gpu.csv and frequent_subgraph_mining_cpu.csv
  • run python ./ to reproduce motif counting results. (Time cost: 6 hours)
    • it will generate file for "Table 4: k-Motif Counting execution time" as motif_counting_gpu.csv and motif_counting_cpu.csv
  • run python ./ to reproduce scalability results (Time cost: 1 hour)
    • it will generate graph for ""Figure 11: Scalability of GraphSet" as pattern_matching_scalability.png
  • run python ./ to reproduce our results compared with GSI and cuTS. (Time cost: 5 hours)
    • it will generate file for "Table 4: execution time of pattern matching on 33 queries" as attern_matching_gsi_cuts_gpu.csv

(iii) Upon completion, results (tables and figures) will be located in the reproduce_result folder, and the logs will be in the reproduce_log folder. The csv files within the reproduce_result folder will display the application time of our system. We expect the counting results to be consistent with those of other systems and previously provided logs/results in our repository.

(iv) The experimental running times obtained should closely match those reported in our article, thereby validating the work presented therein.


The cpu codes and gpu codes are in cpu/ and gpu/, respectively.

The sample graphs are in dataset/. *.adj is the labeled graph for Frequent Subgraph Mining. *.g is the binary unlabeled graph for other applications.

Other information, such as how to run different applications and the format of graphs, will be gradually updated in with code refactoring.


System: Linux

Compilers: gcc@12(minimum 10) / cuda@12(minimum 11)


  • GPU: Nvidia Volta Architecture or newer (sm_70 is used now), 32GB memory

Other dependencies:

  • openmpi (> 4.1)
  • cmake (> 3.21)

Use spack as package manager

In ( this file should be modified according to specified machines):



In the root directory of the project:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j


in build/ directory:

Pattern Matching



./bin/gpu_graph <graph_file> <pattern_size> <pattern_matrix_string>


./bin/pattern_matching_test <graph_file> <pattern_size> <pattern_matrix_string>

Code Generation

Although it is convenient to use end-to-end pattern matching directly, its performance will be worse than that of code generation. Code generation is only available for GPU code now.

Following steps are need for generate code for specific graph and pattern:

  1. build the code_gen/ by cmake.
  2. provide graphs and patterns in scripts/ (and note that the data_path and command_prefix should be changed according to environment)
  3. run scripts/
  4. modify the pattern number and graph name in auto/CMakeLists.txt
  5. rebuild the project by cmake

Run generated code:

`./bin/patents_p1 <graph_file> <pattern_size> <pattern_matrix_string>`

(The pattern and graph should match the input of code generation)

Clique Counting


./bin/gpu_clique <graph_file> <clique_size>


./bin/clique_test <graph_file> <clique_size>

Frequent Subgraph Mining


./bin/fsm_test <labelled_graph_file> <max_edge> <min_support>


./bin/gpu_fsm <labelled_graph_file> <max_edge> <min_support>

Motif Counting


./bin/motif_counting_test <graph_file> <pattern_size>


./bin/gpu_mc <graph_file> <pattern_size>

./bin/mc3 <graph_file> (for 3-motif counting)

Input Graph

Two types of graphs are used in our system:

Labelled Graph

We use a text file for input.

The number n on the first line is the number of vertices in the graph.

The following n lines, with

  • the ID of the vertex
  • the label ID of the vertex
  • the IDs of vertices that had a edge to this vertex

Unlabelled Graph

We suppose these graphs are undirected. To speed up graph reading, we use a binary format (usually *.g).

If you want to input other graphs in text format, you can read src/dataloader.cpp for how to change the input method.


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  • Cuda 56.8%
  • C++ 39.0%
  • Python 2.7%
  • Other 1.5%