Parse sequence files (GenBank, FASTA, JBEI, SnapGene, SBOL) or accession IDs (NCBI, iGEM) to a simple, common format:
interface Seq {
name: string;
type: "dna" | "rna" | "aa" | "unknown";
seq: string;
annotations: Annotation[];
interface Annotation {
name: string;
start: number;
end: number;
direction?: number;
color?: string;
type?: string;
npm i seqparse
To install the CLI globally:
npm i -g seqparse
import seqparse from "seqparse";
const { name, type, seq, annotations } = await seqparse(file);
Example outputs are truncated for clarity.
# parse files
$ seqparse
"name": "pBbE0c-RFP",
"type": "dna",
"seq": "cagctagctcagtcctaggtactgtgctagctacta...",
"annotations": [
"name": "colE1 origin",
"start": 1234,
"end": 1917,
"direction": -1,
"type": "rep_origin"
# parse files from stdin
$ cat pBbE0c-RFP.fasta | seqparse
"name": "pBbE0c-RFP.1",
"type": "dna",
"seq": "cagctagctcagtcctagg...",
"annotations": []
# parse files then use jq to get seqs alone
$ seqparse j5.SBOL.xml | jq -r '.seq'
# fetch and parse remote sequence files
$ seqparse NC_011521
"name": "NC_011521",
"type": "dna",
"seq": "cccatcttaagacttcacaagactt...",
"annotations": [
"name": "HS566_RS00005",
"start": 6,
"end": 285,
"direction": -1,
"type": "gene"