myorange wallet is a multichain non-custodial wallet
- Install NVM or Node.js 14:
- Install all project dependencies with
yarn setup
Install the latest version of XCode.
Install Watchman:
brew install watchman
Install CocoaPods:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Install the required Pods for this project:
yarn install-pods
Install system dependencies:
sudo apt install libsecret-tools watchman
Follow the React Native environment setup instructions carefully, which will involve installing Android Studio, the Android SDK, the emulator, etc. and making them available in your
. -
Ensure at least one AVD image is available for the emulator (unless using a physical device).
If you are new to React Native, this is a helpful introduction:
nvm use 14
to force Node.js v14. -
Set up your .env file, use our env.example as a guide.
Here are some resources to generate your own API keys:
- Etherscan:
- Bscscan:
- Infura:
- ETH Gas Station:
- BSC Gas Station:
- Imgix:
Note: Darwin versions of the application can only be developed/built on Darwin platforms with XCode.
Start a React Native webserver with:
yarn start
in XCode. -
Run the project by clicking the play button.
Note: Linux development environments cannot develop or build Darwin versions of the project.
Start a React Native webserver with:
yarn start
Build/install/start the debug version of the app in an emulator with:
yarn android