Laravel docker
The project must be mounted using docker:
Start docker daemon
Run your docker machine: docker-compose up -d
Access the php container: docker exec -it php-madonna sh
From inside the machine:
- Run: composer install
- Copy the .env.example to .env
- Run: php artisan key:generate
- Run: apk add npm
- Run: npm run dev
Web running on http://localhost:8088
Api status check running on GET request: http://localhost:8088/api/status
Swagger running on http://localhost:8082/
Postman base collection file can be found on src/postman
phpMyAdmin running on http://localhost:9191
- user: root
- password: secret
As database we use MySQL:
- database name: laravel
- database user: root
- database password: secret
To stop de container: docker-compose stop
Create a firebaseAuth.js in public/js/ and copy firebaseConfig script. We can get the data in settings / project configuration /