Lip Contour detection using multi-thresholding ( Code )
Note : This is the my implementation of paper submitted in ICIP-2018. Citing the paper below : P. Spyridonos, A. F. Saint, A. Likas, G. Gaitanis and I. Bassukas, "Multi-Threshold LIP Contour Detection," 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, 2018, pp. 1912-1916. doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2018.8451680 keywords: {biometrics (access control);edge detection;feature extraction;fuzzy systems;image recognition;image segmentation;medical image processing;patient monitoring;multithreshold LIP contour detection;high-resolution static lip images;patient monitoring;affected lip contour;automated lip;accurate lip contour extraction;robust lip contour extraction;degraded lip shapes;original lip contour;novel threshold selection algorithm;lower lip contours;upper lip contours;conquer approach;introduced method;contour details;Lips;Skin;Image color analysis;Hair;Robustness;Image segmentation;Lighting;Lip detection;Lip contour;Multi-threshold;threshold;selection}, URL: