Just my personal site hosted on nekoweb, made in pure html, css and javascript.
Wanna use my site as a template? Sure if you use this github repo, otherwise itll be a bit hard
[!IMPORTANT] Outdated Credits These credits are for the old layout
The main page uses multiple different scripts and embeds, ill list them all here.
- Theme (here Catppuccin)
- LastFM Embed (here)
- Nekoweb Stats and NekoWebring (here by max)
Nekolink (here by 6eamed)Nekolink Archive (here by max)- Nekolink (Reboot) (here by rice)
- Palestine Cat (here by pure)
- Palestine Button (here by hillhouse)
- Cursor Effects (here by tholman)
A site for LastFM users on nekoweb to see other people current scrobbling status or their last scrobbled song.
- LastFm Itself (here)
- Old REST API (here by max)
- New WebSockets API (here by Tepiloxtl)
These heavily inspired pages were made to try out blogging and writing and to try css for the "terminal" look.
- Theme (here Everforest)
- Inspiration (here by Remiblac)
At first this page only had the Arcuied page, but later I made a Susumu Hirasawa one aswell. The themes just the background color of the gruvbox theme.
- Theme (here Gruvbox)
- Reona - Tsukihime Remake OSTs (here)
- Susumu Hirasawa - On Line Malaysia (here)
And of course, this site is powered by Nekoweb.