Welcome to TodoApp web based application.It provides a good and appealing client side and admin side view. Additionally it has various functionalities to enabale a user to manage various day to day tasks. It is built using javascript,php,and CSS with a server side functionality running on xampp.
- Client side:
- Add,view and delete tasks.
- Filter tasks to view based on category,Start date and status.
- Manage task categories.
- Add,view and delete categories.
- Login to index.php
- Admin side:
- View and delete clients.
- View and delete clients tasks.
- Add new admins to the system.
- Filter and view clients tasks based on category,status and start date.
- Login to dashboard.php
Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine:
- Install XAMPP to set up a local development environment.
- Install Git
- Configure Your Identity
- Open terminal and insert
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
- Set your email address globally (also used for all repositories) using the following command on the terminal:
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
- Verify Installation on terminal:
git --version
- Create a GitHub Account: If you don’t have one already, create an account on GitHub (https://github.com/signup).
- On terminal Navigate to your xampp folder in the C drive and go into the htdocs folder:
cd ..\ ..\xampp\htdocs\
- On terminal run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/Lenonkoech/TodoApp
- This will create a folder in the htdocs folder called todoapp
- Open the folder with vs code:
cd .\TodoApp
code . - This will open the project folder on vs code
- On terminal Navigate to your xampp folder in the C drive and go into the htdocs folder:
- Open xampp and start Apache and Mysql
- Press admin on the Mysql section
- This will open phpmyAdmin on the browser
- Press new on the left sidebar
- Under the Database name enter "todoapp" and leave everything default
- Press create
- On the left sidebar select todoapp and on the top navigation click import and import the sql file in the project "todoapp.sql"
- scroll to the bottom and click import
- this will create the database
- Everytime you want to run the project open xampp and make sure Apache and mySQL is running
- On the browser enter the path to the project
Follow these steps if you want to contribute or change anything to the project
- Create a git branch:
- For the purposes of contributing to the project create a branch
- Navigate to the directory of the project on terminal
cd ..\ ..\xampp\htdocs\TodoApp
- Create a new branch
git checkout -b my-feature-branch (Replace my-feature-branch with a descriptive name for your branch)
- This will create a branch and put you in your branch
- Editing files
- Edit files or comment code
- Open terminal and navigate to the project folder
cd ..\ ..\xampp\htdocs\TodoApp
- Open the project folder on vs code via the terminal using:
code .
- This will open the project folder on vs code or default code editor
- Edit code you wish to change or commit
- On the terminal check git status using
git status
- Add changes to staging area
git add -A
- Commit changes
git commit -m"commit message here or what changes you have made"
git commit
this open the vm editor whre rou can write your commit message
press key "i" to enter insert mode.
On completing writing your commit press "esc" button to exit insert mode.
write ":wq" to wite you changes and exit the terminal editor. - Push changes to origin main > git push origin my-feature branch (replace my-feature branch with the name of your branch)
Happy coding Experience 💻 Adios 🖐🏻❤