You can build a docker image that provides an Ubuntu OS with python 3.8 and the adamapi python library.
Build the image with:
cd adamapi_docker
docker build --no-cache --network=host --tag adamapiimg:latest .
Start a jupyter server inside a new container:
export SHARED_VOLUME=/data/datasets/hack_the_planets
Start a shell inside a new container:
export PYTHONPATH=/shared_dir
- Use the script '' script to download the tif files. The input is a .txt file containing the products ids you want to download.
cd hackp/scripts
python -f /shared_dir/data/craters_dataset.txt -o /shared_volume/tif_craters -t <apikey> -dsid 58592:MRO_CTX
- Use the '' script to generate the images for the training in .npy o .jpg formats.
The 56 products that compose this dataset can be found in data/craters_dataset.txt
From those tif files, the following datasets have been generated:
Resolution | Number of products | Stride | Number of files | Total memory | Location |
128x128 | 3 | 128 | 29875 | 2GB | agilehost3:/scratch/hacktheplanets/craters-npy-128 |
1024x1024 | 56 | 1024 | 6212 | 25GB | ibmtest:/scratch/hack_the_planets/craters-npy-1024 |
The NVIDIA StyleGAN2-ADA repository has been forked, and adapted to work with a power9 machine.
Checkout the power9 branch and create an anaconda environment with:
cd stylegan2-ada-fork
conda env create --file environment.yml
The .npy dataset must be converted into multi-resolution TFRecords. The script has been modified to be able to process .npy data and to write preview of the generated images in the .png format (instead of showing them with opencv).
python create_from_npy /scratch/hack_the_planets/craters-multi-res-1024 /scratch/hack_the_planets/craters-npy-1024 1024
python png_preview /scratch/hack_the_planets/craters-multi-res-1024
The training can be started from scratch on ibmtest with:
cd stylegan2-ada-fork
conda activate stylegan2ada
source ../
module load gcc-8.5.0
nohup python --outdir=./training-runs --gpus=2 --data=/scratch/hack_the_planets/craters-multi-res-512-256st --mirror=1 --cfg=stylegan2 --snap=10 > train_512sz_256st.log 2>&1 &
Check the StyleGAN2-ada for other details.
If you want to restore a training, add the following input parameter:
python --outdir=generate_out --seeds=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 --network=training-runs/00007-craters-multi-res-1024-mirror-stylegan2/network-snapshot-000819.pkl
On the remote machine:
cd stylegan2-ada-fork/training-runs/00003-craters-multi-res-1024-mirror-stylegan2
nohup tensorboard --logdir ./ --port 6006 > tensorboard.log 2>&1 &
On the local machine:
ssh -N -L localhost:16006:localhost:6006 <username>@<remote_machine_dns_name>
The original code has been modified, to workaround some issues.
- The following nvcc compiler flag has been added at row 143 of dnnlib/tflib/
compile_opts += " -Xcompiler -mno-float128 "
This will overcome a compilation error (__ieee128 is undefined).
- The following instruction has been added at row 81 of to reduce the number of the images dimension.
images = np.squeeze(images, axis=2)
This will overcome a runtime error.