Tags: LeslieLee1203/scrcpy
scrcpy v1.18 Changes since v1.17: - Add support for Android 12 (Genymobile#2129, Genymobile#2402) - Add support for V4L2 (device screen capture as a webcam) (Genymobile#2232, Genymobile#2233, Genymobile#2268) - Add an option to lock the initial video orientation - Add an option to power off the device on close (Genymobile#824) - Bind 4th mouse button to APP_SWITCH (Genymobile#2258) - Bind 5th mouse button to expand notification panel (Genymobile#2258) - Expand settings panel on double-expand notification panel (Genymobile#2260, Genymobile#2264) - Push to /sdcard/Download by default (Genymobile#2384) - Center the window on resize-to-fit (Genymobile#2387) - Increase possible display id range (Genymobile#2009) - Log input events in verbose mode (Genymobile#2371) - Fix touch events parameters (Genymobile#2125) - Fix left click on Samsung Browser (Genymobile#2169) - Remove option --render-expired-frames (Genymobile#2268) - Pass scrcpy-noconsole arguments through to scrcpy on Windows (Genymobile#2052) - Upgrade platform-tools to 31.0.2 (adb) in Windows releases - Various technical fixes
scrcpy v1.17 Changes since v1.16: - Fix errors on Android 11 (Genymobile#1468) - Add --encoder option (Genymobile#1810, Genymobile#1827) - Add --forward-all-clicks option (Genymobile#1302, Genymobile#1613) - Add --legacy-paste option (Genymobile#1750, Genymobile#1771) - Workaround screen off/on issue on exit (Genymobile#1670) - Rework console/noconsole versions on Windows (Genymobile#1875, Genymobile#1988) - Terminate server properly without killing it on close (Genymobile#1992) - List available shortcut keys on error (Genymobile#1681) - Upgrade platform-tools to 30.0.5 (adb) in Windows releases - Upgrade SDL to 2.0.14 in Windows releases
scrcpy v1.16 Changes since v1.15.1: - Add pinch-to-zoom simulation (Genymobile#24) - Fix clipboard paste (Genymobile#1658) - Inject POWER instead of WAKEUP on start (Genymobile#1655)
scrcpy v1.15.1 Change since v1.15: - Fix uninitialized value, breaking HOME shortcut randomly (Genymobile#1643)
scrcpy v1.15 Changes since v1.14: - Forward Ctrl and Shift to the device (Genymobile#1598, Genymobile#555, Genymobile#942) - Change "resize to fit" shortcut from MOD+x to MOD+w (Genymobile#1598) - Make shortcut modifiers customizable (Genymobile#1598) - Restore power mode to "normal" on disconnection (Genymobile#1572, Genymobile#1576) - Keep the screen off on powering on (best effort) (Genymobile#1573, Genymobile#1577) - Add option to disable screensaver (Genymobile#1370, Genymobile#1502) - Do not crash on missing clipboard manager (Genymobile#1440, Genymobile#1556) - Fix touch events HiDPI-scaling (Genymobile#1536, Genymobile#15) - Correctly inject repeating keycodes (Genymobile#1013, Genymobile#1519) - Add option to ignore repeated key events (Genymobile#1013, Genymobile#1623) - Increase clipboard size from 4k to 256k (Genymobile#1117) - Do not expose internal SDL logs to users (Genymobile#1441) - Upgrade platform-tools to 30.0.4 (adb) in Windows releases - Upgrade FFmpeg to 4.3.1 in Windows releases
scrcpy v1.14 Changes since v1.13: - Add --stay-awake (Genymobile#631) - Add Ctrl+Shift+o shortcut to turn screen on (Genymobile#175) - Implement seamless copy-paste from Android to computer (Genymobile#1056, Genymobile#1423) - Implement seamless UTF-8 copy-paste from computer to Android >= 7 (Genymobile#786) - Improve --show-touches behavior - Properly handle Ctrl+C on Windows (avoid to corrupt recording) (Genymobile#818) - Add --verbosity to configure log level at runtime - Add --codec-options to pass MediaFormat options directly (Genymobile#1325) - Add --force-adb-forward (useful for SSH forwarding) - Apply workarounds only on error (Genymobile#994) - Increase LOD bias to reduce blurring on trilinear filtering (Genymobile#1394) - Fix HiDPI issues on secondary screen (Genymobile#1408, Genymobile#15) - Fix rendering issues (Genymobile#1408, Genymobile#787) - Fix window restoration regression (Genymobile#1346) - Fix unexpected focus behavior on scroll (Genymobile#1362) - Fix "buffer full" error on Ctrl+Shift+v (Genymobile#1425) - Upgrade platform-tools to 30.0.0 (adb) in Windows releases
scrcpy v1.13 Changes since v1.12.1: - Add option to lock video orientation (Genymobile#218, Genymobile#1151) - Add shortcuts to rotate the display (Genymobile#218, Genymobile#1274) - Mirror secondary displays (Genymobile#397, Genymobile#898, Genymobile#1177, Genymobile#1238) - Enable trilinear filtering when possible (Genymobile#40, Genymobile#1284) - Add --render-driver parameter (Genymobile#1284) - Accept --max-fps before Android 10 (Genymobile#488) - Accept negative window position (Genymobile#1242) - Use another local port if 27183 is not available (Genymobile#945, Genymobile#951) - Forward NumPad keys when NumLock is disabled (Genymobile#1188) - Fix issues when directory contains non-ASCII chars on Windows (Genymobile#1002) - Do not print irrelevant workarounds errors (Genymobile#994) - Fix possible BufferUnderflowException on touch event (Genymobile#1245) - Upgrade FFmpeg to 4.2.2 in Windows releases - Upgrade SDL to 2.0.12 in Windows releases
scrcpy v1.12.1 Change since v1.12: - Fix bit-rate parsing when "long" is 32 bits (Genymobile#995)
scrcpy v1.12 Changes since v1.11: - Add shortcut (Ctrl+r) to rotate device screen (Genymobile#11) - Respect scrolling configuration on macOS (Genymobile#966) - Initialize Application object (fix crashes on some devices) (Genymobile#940) - Restore the .jar extension on the device (fix crashes on some devices) (Genymobile#944) - Inject mouse events with a virtual device id (fix crashes on some devices) (Genymobile#962) - Refuse to push server if it points to a directory (Genymobile#956)
scrcpy v1.11 Changes since v1.10: - Add support for touchscreens/multitouch (Genymobile#22, Genymobile#865) - Add --max-fps to limit the frame rate (Android 10 only) (Genymobile#488) - Add options to set an initial window size and position (Genymobile#762) - Add option to disable window decorations (Genymobile#762) - Add --prefer-text option (Genymobile#650) - Add manpage - Fix copy-paste on Android 10 devices (Genymobile#796) - Fix "turn screen off" on Android 10 devices (Genymobile#835) - Fix clicks not working in some games (Genymobile#635) - Fix device rotation while the window is maximized (Genymobile#750) - Fix scrcpy-noconsole.exe (Genymobile#691) - Fix HiDPI support (Genymobile#829) - Fix segfault on empty file recorded (Genymobile#918) - Fix recorded video to avoid crashes in Adobe Premiere (Genymobile#702) - Fix segfault on recording with old FFmpeg versions (Genymobile#707) - Fix several crashes on some devices (like Meizu) (Genymobile#240, Genymobile#365, Genymobile#921) - Upgrade FFmpeg to 4.2.1 in Windows releases - Upgrade platform-tools to 29.0.5 (adb) in Windows releases