This project represents my initial attempt to create a personal portfolio while learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes fundamental elements to showcase my skills and projects.
- index.html: The main page of the portfolio, providing an overview of my skills and projects.
- script.js: JavaScript file used for adding interactivity to the portfolio.
- style.css: CSS file for styling the various elements of the portfolio.
- Kollektif.ttf: Font file used in the portfolio.
- code-solid.svg: SVG icon used in the design.
- iconebalao.png: Image asset used in the portfolio.
- img/: Directory containing additional images used in the portfolio.
- .github/workflows/jekyll-docker.yml: GitHub Actions workflow file for deployment.
- .lesson/: Directory related to lesson materials.
- .replit/: Configuration directory for Replit, an online IDE.
- Responsive Design: The portfolio is designed to adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
- Basic Interactivity: JavaScript is used to add interactive elements to enhance user experience.
- Custom Fonts and Icons: Includes custom fonts and icons to personalize the design.